Daria and Atticus AREN'T flirting

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"War Games tonight," Atticus commented from his chair. "You excited?"

They were in the library. Even though Daria graduated school a year ago, they still came here to scour through the ancient literature. Camp Jupiter had one of the oldest collections of poetry; they analyzed old prophecies, read the Odyssey for the 15th time. Daria loved it.

Jason, not so much. For the last two years, they had grown distant, more so once they both moved into their respective cohorts. Though, Daria didn't know if they were both to blame for that. Her relationship with Dakota, Nathan, and Clara was as strong as ever. Jason was just...

What, Daria? She always got annoyed at herself for thinking about him. Jason took up too much space in her head. If he wanted to be stubborn, she was content to let him be.

"So excited," she smirked. "Do you have me on offense or defense?"

Oh yeah. Another thing. Atticus was the centurion of the First Cohort now, and almost next in line to be praetor, should Ryan for some reason retire. Daria didn't think he would for a while, but it was still nice to have Atticus on her side when she needed to get away with something. Especially since the other centurion, Daniel Aurello, was such a grouch.

"Where do you want to be?"

Daria thought about it. "Where are you going to be?"

Now it was his turn to smirk. "Where do you want me to be?"

"Oh gods," Nathan groaned behind her. "Please stop doing, whatever this is."

Daria whirled around. "What do you want?"

Nathan tapped his foot impatiently, like Daria had forgotten something direly important, which she most definitely hadn't. He sighed dramatically. "Leila told me to tell you that she wants you at the Senate meeting this afternoon."


"I don't know, Daria," Nathan said petulantly. "Why would I know? I'm just the messenger. Nathan do this. Nathan, I don't want to talk to Daria, tell her this."

Normally, Daria would just roll her eyes and let Nathan keep complaining until he left. But something he said stuck out. "Wait," she leaned on the back of her chair. "Who doesn't want to talk to me?"

"Um." Nathan's eyes widened. "I wasn't supposed to say that."

"Let me guess," Atticus's low drawl came from the other side. "Jason Grace."

Oh wonderful, Daria thought as Nathan shifted his eyes. Tell-tale sign that he was hiding something. More Jason.

"Where is he?" She asked. "He can't be doing anything too important. Except for, you know, avoiding me."

Nathan sighed. "He's with Ryan and Leila. The Principia. Please don't tell him I said anything."

Daria snorted. "Somehow, I don't think you'll come up." She turned back to Atticus who shot her a soft smile.

"Go," he gestured at the books on the table. "I'll clear up here. See you at dinner or something."

"Or something," Daria agreed, but her mind was already turning to thoughts of Jason. "See you."

"Grace!" She marched into the Principia, voice echoing. It was an open building, there wasn't much room to hide. "Where the hell are you?"

Leila, Ryan, and Jason were sitting at the main table, working. Or, well, Ryan and Leila were, Jason was just counting jelly beans. Truthfully, Daria didn't even know why he was hanging out here.

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