Dakota slowly but surely becomes her favorite

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Things changed after that summer.

It wasn't just Daria that felt the impact of Atticus long after he left—a warning was in the air, there was tension coiled in everyone's eyebrows. They named Daria a centurion the day after the trial; they named Jason a centurion of the Fifth about a year after, when he defeated the Trojan Sea Monster that invaded.

As if they weren't already stressed out by the requirements of the job, Leila doubled their training, convinced that Atticus's departure was a warning of worse things to come. Daria told her about her dream a few days after his disappearance. Leila frowned and then told her that she and Jason were to train for eight hours a day from then on.

They managed it, albeit not very healthily. Still, the burden of war outweighed any feelings of exhaustion they may have.

Daria tried her best to be what Leila wanted, wise and calm and a leader. She didn't mind it too much, she just wished there were other things to do. They could only train for so long, and Atticus was out there. Lurking.

The weight of the world seemed to be on their shoulders, but Daria would push through. It didn't matter that Jason was more snappish than usual ever since they'd turned 12. It didn't matter that none of her co-centurions seemed to last long enough to assist with any of her responsibilities. She would push through as she always had.

But then there was Daniel, her prior co-centurion, raised to praetor at the last Feast of Fortuna. Leila and Ryan had taught her how to fight and think, but Daniel had taught her how to lead. He was strict and bitter on his best days, and yet, there was something...an underlying respect between the two of them.

Daria scribbled some more details on her weekly update sheet that each centurion was required to fill out. Another plus point was that centurions got their own rooms; unfortunately for Daria, her friends never seemed to leave hers.

Dakota lounged on her bed, reading something or another. All that she asked was he didn't spill Kool-Aid on her comforter. It was peaceful enough; Daria was getting most of her work done. She signed the bottom of the form as everyone else burst in.

"How can you even drink that much coffee?" Nathan said in his loud voice. His hair was shaggier now, curling around his ears.

Jason flopped onto her sofa chair. "Clara says it's okay."

Clara waved at Daria before joining the son of Jupiter. "It's okay," she confirmed.

"Ah," Daria commented, turning back to organize the papers strewn across her desk. "No shoes on my sofa."

"OCD much?" Jason fired back. Nathan laughed, and Daria knew it was meant as a joke, but it felt more like a thinly veiled insult.

"If you hate it, Jase, you've got your own bedroom too." She meandered through the small space and flicked his forehead lightly. "You done your inspections yet?"

He leaned back cockily, raising his eyebrows as if to say duh! "Dakoda, dude," Jason called. "You got Kool-Aid on your dagger."

Dakota looked up from his book in confusion; Jason had to repeat himself, but Dakota's expression didn't change.

"Huh," he nodded. "Didn't know I had a dagger actually."

Nathan's lip twitched in fond amusement. "What are we going to do with you, Koda?"

"Well," Daria nudged Nathan. "It's not like you're going to need it tonight anyway."

Nathan grinned as the other three groaned. "No doubt about it. Game's going to be over in a few minutes flat."

reflection ● jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now