Something's different (maybe in a good way)

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Daria scoffed. "Shut up, Nathan."

"Make me."

"Ooooh," Dakota said unhelpfully.

Mr. Wilson peered over the top of his glasses. "There are ten more minutes left of English. Please pay attention, Mr. Vargas and Mr. Grace."

"Oh, come on!" Jason protested. "I wasn't even talking!"

"This time," Daria muttered. Jason glared at her.

"Besides," Dakota drank his Kool-Aid. It was Cherry-flavored today. He had been stuck on Grape for a year or so, but a couple of nights ago he had a revelation or something. "You two are failing this class."

"Shut up, Koda."

"That's it," Mr. Wilson dug around his desk for something. "Pop quiz."

Everyone groaned. A couple of students shot Jason and Nathan glares.

Nathan leaned back in his seat and craned his neck so that he was staring at un upside-down Daria. "Give me the answers?"

Daria tapped her pen on his forehead. "Not a chance."

"I don't understand how you're failing, Jace." The four of them walked into the sunlight after hours of being cooped up in the school building. They had about an hour of free time before afternoon training started. This month was boot camp. Super fun.

"I mean, you've been here since you were four," Daria kept ragging on his best friend who shoved his hands in his pockets. Daria just knew he had done miserably on the quiz.

"You know I have dyslexia," he whined, shoving her. "Leave me alone."

They all looked different now. Though she was only eight, Daria's face was losing some of its babyishness, as was Jason's. The hours they spent in the sun had darkened Daria's hair and lightened his.

Nathan had also changed, grown into his personality a little bit more. A member of the Second Cohort, he had learned how to be humble and respectful. Unfortunately, that didn't change the fact that he annoyed Daria to no end.

Dakota was...a different story. He still joked around with them; of course, he still drank his Kool-Aid, but he seemed less spirited. Dakota was supposed to be the life of them, not as dull as he was. And if Daria had noticed, then there was no doubt that Jason and Nathan had.

"How come you aren't surprised that I'm failing?" Nathan crossed his arms. "Rude."

"Are you four arguing again?" Leila's voice called from the Forum. Daria was surprised to see a little girl by her side, then a little jealous. Leila hadn't replaced her, had she? The praetor didn't wait for a response, instead pointing out things to the new recruit.

"No, Leila," Jason mumbled anyway, sitting down.

Daria leaned into him slightly. "I can help you with English, you know."

When he didn't respond, Daria poked his stomach. "Jace," she sang. "Jace, stop ignoring me."

"I'm going to fail," he put his face in his hands dramatically. "And then I'll never be a legionnaire."

"Awww," Sofia commented as she walked past. "Someone's upset today."

Jason sank lower in his seat.

Dakota's eyes were on the new girl. She had dark skin and braided hair with pretty gold things in it. She looked nice enough and Daria felt bad for her original thought. Leila was praetor now, Daria reminded herself. She wouldn't be able to sponsor anyone anyway.

reflection ● jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now