Jason plays chess

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 Jason leaned on the railing beside Dakota.

He'd only been cleared by Clara a few hours ago, so he felt a bit like an invalid. Then again, with the bandages wrapped around his body, a mummy would also be a valid descriptor.

They were on their way back to Camp Jupiter; though tired, Daniel was using his magic to make the ship go faster. The others were scattered around the deck, save for Daria and Nathan who were resting after Daria insisted she could take watch and then got tired enough to sleep after less than a night's worth of work.

So the deck was relatively quiet. Michael Kahale had smirked at him when Jason first saw him, which he figured was the guy's way of saying, Missed you. Daniel was waiting impatiently for Daria to wake up and Clara was doing her best to make sure none of her patients died on her.

Then Jason heard yawning. He turned to watch Daria and Nathan stumble up the stairs together, chattering about something. When she saw him, her eyes glittered. And god, whatever dreams Jason had been lucky enough to grasp over the last few days were nothing compared to this.

But he turned his face away. Things were different now. He'd been to hell and back and couldn't afford to make any more stupid mistakes. They could be friends, nothing more.

He knew she was looking at him, waiting for him to make eye-contact, but the silence was too long. She turned to Daniel, lightly grimacing. "Glad to see you back."

Daniel apparently didn't like what he saw. His jaw was clenched and he looked at Daria with the same impassive expression he always wore. "What happened to you?"

Daria snorted, shoving her hands in her pocket. "Could ask you the same thing."

Clara scanned the tense scene in front of her, looking like she'd rather be anywhere else. "I'm going to rest," she announced. "Please try not to die."

Michael shrugged, giving Jason something like a warning glance that made bitterness rise in her throat. "I better go too. Been up for a day and a half. Koda?"

"I have Kool-Aid!" They announced.

"I'm taking that as a no," Michael snorted. He whacked Jason hard on the chest as he meanered down the stairs. "Good to have you back, Grace."

"Is anyone going to answer my question?" Daniel asked, voice dry. "Or were you all planning to hail Jason as praetor next?"

"Stop being so overdramatic, Daniel," Daria said with a raise of her eyebrows. Jason forced himself not to do a double-take. Since when did Daria talk back to Daniel?

Nathan rolled his eyes. Long story.

Daniel scoffed. "Good to see you too, Jackson." His eyes darted around to Dakota and Nathan. "I let you sleep in, but we need to talk."

Daria pursed her lips. Jason couldn't help but notice she had a more carefree look to her now. Her shoulders were relaxed, and her arms weren't crossed like they usually were. She held eye contact with Daniel, something she usually didn't dare attempt when he was giving orders.

"You're staring," Nathan muttered.

"I'm not," Jason snapped. When Nathan stared at him, wide-eyed and hurt, Jason had to force himself not to get over his pride and mutter an apology.

The difference was, people thought Daniel was cruel and rude, but they respected him. As Jason held onto what was left of his friendships, he didn't think people held him in that same regard.

Daria stepped towards Daniel with that same boldness. "Whatever you need to say, you can say in front of everyone."

That Jason didn't agree with. There were some things about the imminent prophecy that he didn't want out in the open, like the fact he might fail.

reflection ● jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now