Daria's totally jealous (this time for real).

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 "Krios and Atticus," Daria was saying, refusing to look up. "They're separate people. If we're dealing with Krios then you all on the floor have to kill Atticus along with him. The same 24 hours. Otherwise, I assume Krios won't stay dead."

It was sometime after 6:30; the second Senate meeting of the day. Jason stood beside Daria, with Reyna and the praetors on the other side of the table, but the younger girl kept her head low like she always did when she talked about Atticus. Like she was already mourning.

"Consider it done," Mitch said, bumping her shoulder. Jason wondered how he could remain so at ease. The guy had literally been tortured for 6 months but he came back just as cheerful. Oh, what it must be like not to have the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Leila looked at her watch. "It's nearly 8. Any other questions?"

The room was packed with about 200 legionnaires, ranging from 9 years old to 25. Jason's stomach churned. He was supposed to lead them all into battle against hundreds of monsters. Their lives were in his hands.

"I'll be on Scipio," Leila finalized. "Mitch on the ground. Daniel wherever he sees fit. Be ready legionnaires." And with that, the meeting was adjourned.

"Come on," Reyna said, facing them. Daria looked like she was lost in thought, so Reyna had to jostle her to get her attention. "We're all meeting at the entrance. We're going to Temple Hill to pray."

Daria's lip twitched in annoyance. Jason always thought if she wasn't a demigod herself, she would've been a resolute atheist. "I can't."

Reyna rolled her eyes. "Why not?" She demanded. "It'll take like 10 minutes."

"Because I..." A shadowy figure caught their eye. They beckoned Daria towards them, motioning outside. "Because Nico di Angelo wants to see me," she said simply. She squeezed Reyna's hand. "I'll see you all at dinner."

Daria shot him a wry, amused glance, and then she was off, and Jason had to deal with his other, more annoying, best friend.

"Did she tell you yet?" Reyna asked, tilting her head at him with an expression that was less than upbeat.

Jason felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. "Tell me what?"

"I," Reyna paused and ended up shaking her head. "Nothing. I guess I was thinking of something else."

The fear in his gut didn't leave.

They finally shoved their way outside (turns out being the child of the prophecy didn't grant you a clear path through hundreds of soldiers) where the rest of his friends were waiting. Dakota had an arm wrapped around Clara. Michael and Nathan stood shoulder-to-shoulder.

They were all protecting each other, Jason realized. But there were seven of them. Not an even pairing. Jason didn't like those odds.

"Where's Daria?" Clara asked.

"And what is she doing?" Michael added.

"We are going to Temple Hill," Jason announced, not answering either of their questions. The sun was still out, one of Jason's favorite things about summer, and for all he knew the next time it rose they would be on the battlefield. "To get the gods' blessing."

"Ah yes, my mother," Michael grumbled. "She's going to be so helpful. We can have Krios fall in love with us."

"Don't insult the gods, you idiot." Clara swatted him.

"Plus," Nathan added, still walking closer to Michael than he was Jason, which was weird. "You've got everyone falling in love with you. Powerful stuff."

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