The Last Night - Part 2

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Full of joy and well-fed stomachs, the residents of Grimmauld Place all retired to their bedrooms for the last night's sleep before Hogwarts. The evening had been full of celebration, good food, and even better company. Every member seemed to have wanted to spend it together, as Kingsley, Tonks, Bill, and Moody came for dinner and caused the table to be slightly cramped. No one seemed to mind much, as conversation remained vibrant and cheerful the whole night.

"See you tomorrow!" said Jessica sleepily as she waved goodbye to Hermione and Ginny, the rest of the crowd trodding off upstairs. She closed the door and went about her usual night routine: picking out one of the Weasley's old nightshirts to wear (she picked the vine green one this time), lighting a candle in case of a late-night toilet run, and then collapsing on the bed ready for a good sleep.

She slipped under her covers and stared at the ceiling. This would be her last night's sleep here. It had come so quickly. As she looked around the room, she had flashbacks of the late-night chats she would have in there with Ginny and Hermione and the few times Fred, George, Ron, and Harry had slipped in there after hours. Her sleeping and having her own space meant they thought she would always be bored, so they always tried to keep her company when they weren't exhausted. When it was just the girls, they would laugh about boys, Ginny's old crush on Harry always being centre stage, and Hermione would always somehow get her old flame Viktor Krum in the conversation. The girls were the only people she could talk to about it, too, as Ron and Harry would permanently shut her down.

I can't believe it, she thought, I'm going to Hogwarts.

The thought was bittersweet, as she had come to like Grimmauld Place. It had been her first home in the wizarding world; it was where she played her first game of Quidditch, learned her first spell, and met her friends...she didn't want to be away from here and be the new girl at school. She almost felt the urge to go and find her mum, talk to her, ask her for advice, or hug her for support. But she couldn't. She hadn't seen her mum in weeks. Neither her father. She was disappointed in herself for not thinking about them more. She had been so distracted by the magic and the mystery that she had forgotten what had been waiting for her back home. Her stomach churned as she closed her eyes to sleep, thinking only of her life back home, the life she was now leaving behind for at least a term...

"Evening," said a deep voice.

Jessica's eyes snapped open. She brushed her long hair out of her eyes and reached for her wand, which was on the bedside table. Jessica pointed it directly in the direction of the voice and strained her tired eyes to look. To her relief, the voice did not come from an enemy but from an unexpected visitor.A Weasley in purple pyjamas was standing at the bottom of her bed.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Jessica whispered as she lowered her wand.

"Oh," said Fred, his hand behind his back, pretending to be shocked at his surroundings. "I must have gotten lost."

His eyes glided over her, from her face to her neck, and then to her waist. "Nice pyjamas, by the way. Are they Ginny's old ones? They look quite tight."

Jessica rolled her eyes and consciously pulled her duvet covers over her chest. " Very funny, but seriously, why are you in my room? If your mum caught you in here..."

"I won't tell her if you won't," he said cheekily.

Fred had such a mischievous demeanour that she couldn't help but feel comfortable in his presence, so she let him stay. One thing she had learned about being around Fred and George was that you can never be bored around them, and she was in the mood to be distracted.

"Fine, but you're leaving the same way you came in. I'm not having someone see you leave my room and think that we-"

"We what?" He smirked, his expression suggestive.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now