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"So where exactly are we going?" Jessica smiled as she rested her chin on Fred's shoulder, "we've been flying for hours and I hate to say it but the dragon was a bit comfier - I don't think your broom was made for two people."

As she giggled Fred tilted his head and gave her a peck on the nose, making it crinkle up with sensitivity.

"Well, it's a surprise..." Fred started to explain as they passed through a white mist of a cloud.

Jessica snuggled into Fred's back and hugged him tightly from behind. They had been flying for what felt like hours now, and it was getting towards nighttime. As the golden sunset lowered over the horizon, the sky was turning a gorgeous bluish-purple and to Jessica, she could not think of a prettier sight.

"I think I've had enough surprises for a lifetime," she sighed as she closed her eyes in complete comfort.

Fred looked quickly down at her, saw her starting to fall asleep, and smiled. "Well this is a good one, I promise," he softly reassured her, "look down."

Fred aimed his broom downwards and after a few seconds of sudden movement, Jessica opened her eyes to see the familiar lights of London city. They soared amongst and between tall skyscrapers and high statues until they landed on the ceiling of a grimy old run-down pub, landing with a soft but swift touchdown. It must've been past 6 o'clock, as the streets below were paved with commuters trying to get home and city workers going out for an evening drink.

"This is just up the road from Grimmauld place, why did we leave the others ages ago?" Jessica asked Fred as she hopped off the broom and looked around. She had to walk around in a circle for a bit because her legs had gone to sleep and had seen the row of houses Grimmauld Place was hidden amongst in the distance.

"Because I wanted to fly with you alone for a while is that a crime?" Fred asked teasingly as he leaned on his broom.

"No," Jessica jested back, "I'm just unsure what the surprise is going to be on this rooftop!"

"Well that's where you're wrong, the surprise isn't here," said Fred grandly as he walked up to her and poked her on the nose, "this was just so we could get close enough to apparate."

"Apparate where?" Jessica laughed, "you're not trying to kidnap me too are you?"

In all honesty, out of the two options, she wouldn't mind if he did.

"Ah shit my grand plan has been spoiled," Fred joked as he brushed a hand through his windswept hair and stood behind her, "now close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you too, promise?"

Completely trusting him, Jessica did exactly what he asked and closed her eyes, "fine, I promise."

She could sense Fred checking her eyes were closed before he grabbed her hand to apparate. One moment they were on the rooftop, the next Jessica felt familiar stone cobbles under her feet, hearing the sounds of a busy street in the distance. It's like they were in an empty side road attached to a vibrant city centre.

"Okay, you can open them now," Fred told her.

Jessica opened her eyes to see that she was standing in the middle of a long road full of small miscellaneous shops and bordered up spaces. To her left was a place she knew well, Diagon Alley, but this road was different. It was dark, abandoned, with no sign of life in it at all. Fred was in front of her, on the steps of a black abandoned three-story high building. It was tall and slightly slanted, like most places in Diagon Alley, but it definitely hadn't been given attention for a while as the appearance was drab at best.

"Surprise!" Fred said proudly as he lifted his arms to show off what was behind him.

Jessica looked at him in confusion. She had never been down here in her life, but Fred seemed to think that she had. She didn't have the heart to tell him outright that she didn't know why he had brought her here, so she just smiled and nodded.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now