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"Hey, traitor," Fred greeted her as Jessica approached him at the one-eyed witch statue. He was leaning against it with one foot up, himself in a light blue shirt and darker navy jacket. It contrasted what she had seen him fly in earlier, and though she had secretly hoped that he would keep the uniform on for her benefit, she welcomed him dressed smartly also. She was starting to debate if there was anything he could wear that would make him look bad.

"Nice to see Ginny's lingo is catching on," she sighed warmly, the short hem of her yellow floral dress swaying midway up her legs as she stopped before him. Ginny had called her this a habit, possibly thinking it was her way of giving Jessica a cute nickname to feel included. She had shouted it over to her when Hermione and Jessica were chatting with the Gryffindor team before the big game, and all of them had found it so hilarious that they had only called her by that name the rest of the day.

Given what she had done, it would have been funny if she hadn't felt like a traitor.

"I mean it affectionately!" he said, leaning into her and giving her a sly kiss as the corridor was empty for a rare second, "you look beautiful."

Jessica rubbed his arm, swollen and sore from hitting bludgers for an hour straight that morning. "Had to make an effort since I was meeting with a winner," she said, her matching yellow court heels tapping off the ground as she rose nervously onto her toes and back down again, "I couldn't help but cheer the loudest when you took that last-minute hit to clear the way for Harry."

"Ah, one more bruise means nothing compared to securing the victory," he said proudly, flexing his arm on purpose to gain her approval, "I'm sure you'll find that out. It's a shame you had to miss the celebrations afterwards, though; Hermione said Draco called you over."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. The project took a bit longer than planned, and we needed to get it done," she told him.

Draco had called her over from the Gryffindor stands to attend another IQ meeting with Umbridge. Today's target was Professor Sinistra, though Draco was unusually quiet, given he had been so hungry to dish dirt on the other teachers so far. Blaise and Pansy thought their nights could be spent better elsewhere than staring up at the sky.

"But it's finished now, and I'm here. We have all the time in the world."

"And on that note," Fred whispered with a smirk, "let's get out of here before Big Nose comes and finds us. He's on patrol tonight."

He grabbed Jessica's hand and pulled his wand from his back pocket. She could still faintly see Umbridge's scar. After checking that the coast was clear, he tapped the back of the statue and whispered, "Dissendium."

A passageway opened inside the one-eyed witch statue, revealing a long staircase leading to pitch-black darkness.

"Where does this go?" Jessica asked, trying to process the amazement of Hogwarts having secret passageways. She thought Fred was joking.

"It's a surprise," he told her, stepping inside. "Do you trust me?"

She looked around the corridor, waiting for Dumbledore or Snape to walk around the corner at any moment. It was 8 pm, and they were expecting her, and at any moment now, they would figure out she wasn't coming. Surely they would realise she was a young girl who wanted to celebrate with her friends. She would get a telling-off tomorrow where she could tell them what she had found out from Draco.

"Of course."

For at least 15 minutes, they walked down the long passageway, recalling the greatest moments from today's game like veteran commentators. Fred was mainly raving about Ron, who helped save multiple goals from Hufflepuff. It was good to see him praising him for once instead of getting on him, a duty he and George took very seriously. Eventually, they reached a dead end, with steps leading to a trapped door above. The sign on the wall next to them read 'Honeydukes Cellar'.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now