The Woes Of Pansy Parkinson

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"Come on, no one will hear us."

"It's still not worth the risk. You know Theo drinks through this stuff like it's water. He'll be down for another bottle soon."

It was a week later, and there was a party in the common room to celebrate Blaise's Birthday, but Draco and Jessica had not been a part since going down to the cellar fifteen minutes ago. Initially starting as their own personal seven minutes in heaven, Jessica had pushed Draco down onto a chair in the hopes of cashing in a favour.

"Come on, let's go to my dorm," said Draco, sitting up and pulling Jessica's hair back so that she was forced to look at him, "screw the party."

They hadn't done more than kiss, and Jessica could tell he was getting impatient. She couldn't bring herself to go to the next level. Something in her stopped her every time, no matter how much this deal with Draco was helping her cause.

"But it's Blaises's birthday," Jessica told him from below as Draco traced her chin with his fingers. "We can't just leave; we're about to do the cake. Pansy and I worked hard on it."

At this argument, Draco guided her hands away from his trousers and re-buckled his belt, leaving Jessica to stand up straight without securing the favour she had set out to gain. 

"I guess we can go one more night," he whispered as he stood up, his misty grey eyes displaying a disappointed but empathetic expression. "We can't let your creation go unpraised, can we?"

The change in Draco's behaviour towards her had been astounding. He was still his usual self to others, of course, but to her, he had been supportive and kind these past three weeks, treating her as his equal whenever they were alone. She had grown a rather unusual affection for him than she had thought possible, and each day, she got to see the better side of him that he had kept hidden. It just wasn't enough to make the romance real.

One primary example of this was on the first day of term when Adrian Pucey came storming into the Great Hall to discuss the new Quidditch training schedule. When Jessica had refused to let him touch her and told him they were over, he had caused a scene, calling her a whore in front of the whole school. Not wanting to be mean and defenceless, Jessica fought back, but he only got more aggressive with that. He went to put his hands on her but barely had the chance, as within two seconds he was falling over with a broken nose gifted by Draco.

After that, the rumour mill spun into action, and with that came Draco's second gift. Adrian had gotten pissed off and started telling lies about Jessica, but Draco managed to shut it all down within the day. Alongside Blaise and Theo's help, he convinced Umbridge to remove Adrian as Captain of the Quidditch team and threatened anyone who dared spread any of Adrian's gossip with a ten-minute cruciate detention. All rumours were squashed, Jessica's reputation was protected, and Adrian lost all of his popularity - especially with girls.

Quickly, Jessica started to see how protective Draco could be, and after fighting solo for so long, it was comforting to have somebody fighting in her corner. He was the key to unlocking all power at Hogwarts, and being Draco's girl certainly had its benefits; including the gift of her own personal detention list.

Ginny had been over the moon when she walked in on the first day of term and saw Neville and Luna sitting in Jessica's room, realising she had now become part of their group. Jessica explained that they were never going to get punished by any other IQ member ever again and they all nodded in agreement when she said it could only stay this way if they didn't ask any questions. At the end of each night, Jessica gave them a fake cut on their arm so that they would have something to show for it, and she had passed Umbridge's test of fifteen detentions with flying colours, meaning she had regained her trust.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now