The Gift

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"What do you want for dinner?" Fred asked as he cooly glided his arms into the holes of his school shirt. Jessica did not know how long they had been in that little room together, but it was only when she looked out at the window behind her did she see that the light that once shone was now gone.

"I'm guessing the Leaky Couldron is off the table?" Jessica replied lazily as she began to put her school uniform on. They both had just escaped school, so people were probably already looking for them.

"It's always off, the food in there will kill you quicker than any unforgivable curse will," Fred joked, "I'll run downstairs and get to the fireplace, maybe George will answer and he can send us some stuff from Grimmauld Place."

Fred, with his trousers messily buttoned and his shirt hanging open, gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the room with the smuggest grin she had ever seen on his face. Jessica couldn't help but mimic him, but to make sure he didn't get the satisfaction, she made sure she did so only once he'd left the room. For a moment, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply, inhaling the overwhelming calmness she felt.

Finally, she thought, there is nothing that can fuck this up.

Away from Hogwarts, away from the wizards who had gotten her caught up in all this was paradise. She arose from the bed, in a uniform Professor McGonagall would have definitely taken points away for due to its messiness, and started following Fred's trail down the darkly-lit shop stairs. He was on the second floor, where the fireplace was, and a flame with a figure that looked like George's head was talking to him from the ashes. They were joking about how Mrs Weasley had gone mental at George when he had arrived, interrogating him as to where Fred's whereabouts were. Jessica could see why she would be quite worried, but neither Fred nor George's conversation gave any inclination that they felt any kind of sympathy.

She felt like she was intruding on a brother's bond so looked for something else to busy herself with. She could clean, the place was rather dusty...or she could practice her defense spells on the few empty boxes on the ground floor...she was sure that would come in handy if Draco and daddy came knocking...well that could make quite a noise...and she would have to pick up her diary first...

Wait!...her diary! It was all on the floor, the many worn-out pages had falling out from damage...

Jessica hopped down the staircase and ran to her diary, landing on the floor with a thud from her knees. Her hands stroked all over random pieces of parchment, trying to tuck them all back into place, but then she noticed a piece that did not belong. It was larger, certainly thicker, and the color did not match the rest.

It wasn't something she had seen before, that she knew for sure.

She put the diary down so only this piece of parchment remained in her hand, and she unfolded it until she could read what was a hand-written letter in beautiful calligraphy. This writing she recognized instantly.

"Dear Jess,

I've never been great with words, you know that, well words where I have to admit responsibility anyway. The truth is, I do feel responsible for you, we both do, no matter what you might believe by now.

It's because of this responsibility that we feel we need to be the ones to show you this. It's our contributions that got you here, because we knew you more than you've ever known yourself, and we hope this will help with that.

I'm sure you hate us, I don't blame you. However, I hope this shows you that not all of those who make dark choices are incapable of having a glimmer of light.

Hope to see you again in a circumstance where we can meet free of all bloodlines and houses,

Theo and Pansy"

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now