A Frosty Homecoming

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Time had never gone so slowly as it did that night in the waiting room at St Mungo's Hospital. Jessica sat in silence next to Kingsley, tapping her foot and looking at the clock every minute to check how long Arthur had been under the doctor's care. The weight of her black netted dress weighed her down onto the plastic seat, and her straight hair became frazzled by Jessica constantly pulling at it, nervous about what had happened down at the Ministry.

They had run through the dark emerald-tiled walls of the building, Kingsley leading her down to floor nine.  Eventually, they got to a circular room with nine doors, all black and unlabelled, making it impossible to know where to go. Kingsley asked Jessica to see if she could see anything with her powers, but Jessica quickly reminded him that she could only see parts of the future, not how to get there like a map. They guessed the third door to the right, and they kept running through doors, which eventually led them to the dark, large room illuminated with crystal balls and blue candlelit flames.

Their presence must have rattled the snake, as it had gone by the time they approached Arthur's quivering body. He was not dead yet, which was a positive and welcome change from Jessica's vision. Jessica knelt down at his side and immediately started reciting the healing spell she had learnt earlier that day for healing deep cuts. It took a few tries as her hands and voice were shaky, but it started to slowly work, the blood drying up and the skin rebuilding itself. Kingsley was surprised, and just watched her at work.

Within a minute, Arthur's breathing had steadied to a resting pace and it appeared that he was simply asleep. Kinglsey declared that he still needed medical attention as what she had done was just a band-aid, but praised her for her advanced skill work anyway.

"Who goes there?" said a voice, and Kingsley cast Lumos on his wand to search for the origin. A portrait was hanging on the wall, and an old man in dark navy robes was looking directly at them.

"Kingsley Shaklebolt and Jessica Clarke, Order of the Phoenix," Kingsley answered, strangely okay with this sudden appearance. "How did you know to come?"

At this moment, Jessica heard a voice, the same as in her vision. It was a gentle whisper, and it was calling her down to row 17. It piqued her interest, and as Arthur was now stable, she thought it would be okay to explore and walk towards it.

"The Potter boy," the figure in the painting told Kingsley as Jessica walked away, "Dumbledore sent me to check if what he saw was true. Now that I know it is, I will inform him and the Weasley family in his office."

Jessica approached the row with caution. There it was, the crystal ball on the middle shelf that shone the brightest out of all the others in the row. The inaudible whispers grew louder as she touched it, and she brought it to her ear, ready to listen.

"When the sun meets the west on the thirteenth day of summer, they who have the power to help the Dark Lord succeed will be in the shadows no longer. From the ashes of a Phoenix, they sure shall rise, and they shall take the place of the man who was to meet his demise."

Jessica did not understand a single word of the riddle, but her necklace had started glowing bright silver, the same colour as the mist in the crystal ball. Kingsley called her over, saying he needed help lifting Arthur up, and he came to the end of the row. Horrified, he ordered Jessica to put the ball down and she obliged straight away like it was burning fire. The words kept repeating in her head on a loop as they carried Arthur out of the Ministry and throughout the journey to St Mungo's. She had not been able to stop thinking about it this whole time, wondering what it had all meant.

"Where is he, where is Arthur?" Mrs Weasley fretted as she strode into the waiting room, pressing pause on the riddle radio in Jessica's brain. She was followed by Remus, Tonks, Moody and Bill, who were each expressing concern in their own way. Jessica expected at least a hello from them considering she hadn't seen them in four months, but they ignored her like she wasn't even there. In her black bejewelled gown, she wasn't exactly hard to miss.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now