Dumbledores Army

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"Dementors? In Hogwarts?" Neville asked worriedly after George had finished relaying the story to the group.

Jessica was leaning against the wall, watching their faces turn stone coloured as the tale was told. She stepped back behind George, hoping she would ultimately disappear from view.

"Loads!" George responded enthusiastically, not quite registering Neville's scared tone. "And they were ganging up on her, so I had no choice but to bring her here!"

"Oh, so you didn't have your friends to back you up?" Ron mocked smugly, purposely leaning to the side to see Jessica behind his brother.

"I don't need backup," Jessica sneered, her folded arms tightening against her chest as she felt everyone's eyes look her way. "I can do things myself."

"Well, that's not true based on what George said," Ron quickly jibbed back, enjoying the moment and nodding at George, "he's the one who got rid of them, not you. Yours wasn't strong enough."

"Actually, yeah, how did you do the Patronus?" Harry asked, and George stepped to the side, opening Jessica up to the scrutiny she was now sure to face. Harry had remained relatively quiet until now, and she wondered if he was also trying to put the pieces together as to why dementors would suddenly be floating about the castle.

"I used a thing called a wand," she replied sarcastically.

This caused Harry dismay, his jaw tightening so hard that she could see bone. Jessica didn't feel guilty, though. She hadn't forgotten how badly they had treated her, and she still had her dignity. She wouldn't just tell them everything and give them an easy ride. However, it was nice to see that Fred and Ginny tried not to smile at her response.

"He means it's advanced," Hermione intervened smartly, her hair tied neatly in a tight bun, "they don't teach that kind of spell here. How did you learn it?"

"You and I both know I'm capable of higher spells, Granger," Jessica answered daringly, her eyes bold enough to hide her uncomfortableness, "so unless you want me to elaborate, I'd stop the questioning there."

Hermione's lip quivered in annoyance, and she stole a peek at Harry before crossing her arms and shutting up. All three of them were now refusing to reply to her at all. The threat of exposing the Order had worked.

Jessica wanted nothing more than to get out of there, but she knew she had no choice but to stay put until the dementors were gone. This was as unusual as it got, and she could admit it scared her. There was no reason for them to be here.

"What are we going to do, Harry?" asked Colin Creevy excitedly from behind Ron's shoulder. "It's what you've been training us for, right?"

Harry dismissed him almost instantly with a shake of the head, his eyes not peeling off Jessica for a second, "Dumbledore will take care of it, Colin."

This made Jessica sadly laugh out loud. It must've been nice to rely on Dumbledore coming to help, not to feel like you'd always have to deal with things alone.

"Umbridge has called all staff in for a meeting," she said to Harry bluntly, "my guess is that he doesn't even know they're here."

Hermione whispered something into Harry's left ear, and he turned to her in low conversation. Ron joined in afterwards to make the trio huddle around in a circle. Everyone else just watched them in silence while they talked, as they could only act when instructed by their leaders.

"What is this?" Jessica muttered to George, "a Potter cult or something?"

"Dumbledore's army," George whispered back, "remember? The Hogs Head? Learning Defence Against The Dark Arts?"

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now