Railway Tracks

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"I told you we were going to be late!"

"Molly, calm down. We're running perfectly on time. Remus and Alastor, are you okay with your groups?"

"Yes, but I'm missing most of mine- SIRIUS, NO, YOU'RE NOT COMING!"

It had been the most frantic morning at Grimmauld place to date. All the planning in the world couldn't have prevented the stress of getting seven kids ready to go to school on their first day back. Jessica had woken up early, having hardly slept, and was packing the final additions in her trunk while listening to the commotion outside her door. Mr Weasley had lent her an old trunk of theirs, another gesture of kindness that Jessica hoped one day to repay. It was tattered and scratched in places, and the handle was broken off, but it held everything just fine. Next were her school books (which she smiled at as she placed them in), her night and weekend clothes, and finally, her new Hogwarts robes.

She pulled her ponytail tighter to signify a job well done and then pulled down the lid to secure the trunk with the two leather latches. That was everything packed...except for one last thing. Jessica stood up from her knees and walked over to her bed, a large crash being heard from a couple of rooms down. She picked up the red and gold striped tie lying on top of her duvet and lifted it to her nose to smell the memories of last night. The smell of smoke, cinnamon, Fred...of the moment his lips touched hers. It was a comforter, a little bit of Grimmauld place she could bring.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get a move on!" Moody shouted up the stairs from below.

It's just a tie, she tried to tell herself, and she rolled it up and slid it into her coat pocket. She bent down and grabbed her trunk with both hands, struggling to lift it to carry it downstairs.

"Do you need a hand with that?" someone asked behind her.

Jessica looked up as she secured the trunk in her arms. George was standing in the doorframe, smiling at her struggle. He was wearing a green hand-knitted jumper, a present she knew had come from Mrs Weasley last Christmas.

"No, I'm fine, thanks though," she replied, wincing as the trunk corner dug into her chest.

George tutted and crossed his arms, leaning on her doorframe's left side, "okay then, let's see you take a step forward."

Jessica pulled herself together as best as she could and gripped the trunk tightly. Taking a leap of faith, her right foot reached out, and she had to crush the instinct to breathe out of relief when her left foot joined her.

"See," Jessica said confidently, hoping George hadn't seen her legs shaking. "I can handle it."

George's eyebrows raised in praise, "Fred is so right about you."

Jessica hesitated at the mention of Fred's name and remembered that George had known he was in her room last night. Had he known that they had kissed? Would Fred have told him?

"You're probably correct, but what am I right about?" Fred said as he apparated to George's side. His light brown denim jacket complimented his red hair, making him look like the embodiment of the Autumn season beginning outside. This was the first time Jessica had seen him since last night as she had skipped breakfast, and butterflies rose in her stomach.

"She's stubborn," George told him, "she'd rather injure herself than admit she needs help."

Her cheeks blushed as Fred looked at her like George was, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. She felt her fingers get sweaty, and the trunk started slipping from her grip. Flashbacks of gripping his shirt fluttered in her mind.

"We'll come on then. You heard what Moody said; move it, Clarke," Fred smirked, his tongue touching the roof of his mouth.

Jessica had an electric pulse run through her body. It was a challenge, and Fred was testing her. Neither of them believed she could do it. Until this moment, she hadn't thought she could do it either, but now she felt like she wanted nothing more than to prove them both wrong. She looked at Fred dead in the eye and regained a grip on the bottom of her trunk. It took all her strength, but she took that first step forward, fuelled by the competitive energy inside her. With each step, it got more straightforward, and before long, she stood in front of both of them, two towers blocking her exit.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now