Operation Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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There was no talk of the dementor attack the following week. None at all. It was like it had never happened; only Jessica and the DA seemed aware.

When she mentioned it to Dumbledore, he was furious and wondered, just as Jessica did, why they were even in the school in the first place. He spent the rest of the week locked in his office with Snape, not wanting to be seen or heard by anyone.

This left Jessica to do things herself, but all her research yielded nothing. She even wrote to Tonks and Bill, and neither knew why the dementors had turned up.

She decided to stay calm and not take her newfound peace with Dumbledore's Army for granted. They weren't automatically besties, but they now smile at each other in the hallways.

"And that's when I said if you call that real karat gold, then I'm a hippogriff," said Theo, and he burst out laughing. "Honestly, do I look like I've never bought a goblet before?"

Blaise laughed with Theo as he turned the page in the book he was reading, but Theo only had eyes for the girl sitting across the library nook from him. She wasn't laughing; she was zoned out and eagerly writing an essay for divination.

"Jess, you know we don't have to do homework, right?" Theo asked, "We're going to pass our O.W.Ls even if we just write our name...and I'm telling a good story here."

"Sorry," Jessica apologised, acknowledging him briefly but still fastly writing with her quill, "this is just really interesting."

News hadn't got out that she had turned down Umbridge's internship offer, but it was apparent that she was no longer a favourite. She was going to sit all exams, unlike her friends, and Umbridge had been picking on her for answers every DADA lesson, so now she actually had to revise. Jessica liked it in a way; she felt like an actual Hogwarts student again, but now she had so much work to catch up on.

"I thought you hated divination," Blaise said as he looked at her curiously.

"I thought I hated a lot of things," said Jessica in response, marking down her interpretations of clouds.

A paper plane flew into their corner of the library and landed in Jessica's lap. She could see Theo and Blaise looking so she unfolded it towards the wall, making sure that they couldn't see what was written on it. When she read the words inscribed, her face glowed in happiness.

"How do you look that good doing homework? See you tonight x"

It was marked with a green butterfly.

Jessica glanced across the library to where a group of Gryffindors were studying. Fred and George were amongst them, and Fred sneakily looked her way and gave her a wink. He had been sending her random messages like this all week, and they were the highlights of her day.

"What's got you smiling like an idiot?" Blaise asked.

"None of your business," Jessica teased as she tucked the note into her skirt pocket.

"Bet it's from Draco," Theo told Blaise as he leaned back in his chair, "he's been trying to get back in her good books ever since their fight."

"We haven't had a fight," Jessica snapped, dipping her quill into her ink, "and would you be so kind as to not discuss my love life like it's the daily prophet."

"Oh come on, don't sell me that crap, you've been avoiding him," Theo said to her with a smirk, "you can't get anything past me, I know something's happened."

After the dementor incident and making up with Fred, Jessica found it hard to genuinely emote warm feelings towards Draco. He had come to her dorm that night apologising for the way he acted, but to her, it was just a plaster apology. To do her part in the plan she and Fred had created, she just had to act like nothing was wrong. It was a struggle every day to let him touch and kiss her, but she made herself do it.

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now