Chapter 6

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Okay... This was the moment of truth...

The judgement day...

The end of the world...

My end...


I pushed the doorbell.

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~




No one answered.




I pushed again the doorbell.

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~




But still no one answered.


This was getting into my nerves...

I pushed again the doorbell.

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~

Ding~ Dong~ Ding~ Dong~

I bet!!!! You’re annoyed by it, right?!!!!! Hehehe! I said to myself happily while panting so hard after pushing the doorbell many times.




GGGGAAAWWWDDD!!!! PLEASE OPEN THE D*MN DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was on the act of knocking the door when someone finally opened it...

 “D*mn it! Don’t you really have no manner at all?”, a voice said.


My heart skipped a beat after seeing the person who opened the door.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

“So Lily is really serious?”, he mumbled and went inside again.


T-that’s... THAT’S HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAMUI GAKUPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Errr... EERRRR!!!!!!!!!!


What to do???... WHAT TO DO???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O A O!!!!




Eeehhh???? H-he did not invite me to come inside????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

W-What should I do???... S-Should I come in??? B-but!!! But he did not invite me! OAO!!!

“Don’t tell me I have to drag you here?!”, he shouted from inside.

I was startled.

=______=” Looked like I was really not very welcome in this house...

“Sorry for bothering...”, I said and went inside.

Okay... For your information, I was here in his condo because... I accepted Lily-san’s offering. From today and onwards, I will be Gakupo’s P.A.



I really don’t know what to say to him or what to do...

“Umm... I-I’m – “, I started saying to break the silence.

“I know, you’re Shion Kaito, right?”, he said.

I got shocked.

SO HE ALREADY KNEW ME???!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O______________O!!!!!!!!!!

“Ah y-yes... Err.. S-sorry for what happened last time, G-Gakupo-san...”

He just looked to me.




He suddenly offered his hand.

“It’s fine. Let’s get along, Kaito-kun.”, he said and smiled sweetly.

I got shocked.




Badump Badump Badump Badump

I accepted his hand and shook hands with him.

I-I’m in danger I guess...

Blue hates/LOVES Purple (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now