Episode 1: Picking Up The Pieces

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The glaring evening sunlight shined upon the grassy fields. A brown colored lioness with a pink flower in her ear, and a light blue marking on her forehead walked through the fields while gazing at her reflection in the shimmering lake. She walked over to the top of a hill and sat down thinking to herself, until she heard a voice.

"Hey there." Rani turned around and saw a lion with golden fur, a red mane that was half-grown in, a small blue marking on his forehead, and a scar over his right eye. She smiled and ran over to the lion and nuzzled him. "Took you long enough." Kion smiled at his mate.

"Well, at least we have each other now." Kion looked into Rani's brown eyes. They both leaned in and closed their eyes.

Kion woke to the quiet sounds of the jungle. He quickly realized that it was a dream, much to his disappointment. He looked to see Fuli and Bunga sleeping also. It had been a few months since the incident with the elementals. All three of them were able to recover from the injuries they suffered from the battle. However the only downside is that they were still lost, and couldn't find any indicator that they were close to home.

Kion stood up and took a quick stroll through the jungle. The moon was the only thing that provided him any light, along with the light that reflected off of the large lake nearby. He walked over to the lake and took a few sips of water before stopping to look at his reflection. Although the thought has crossed his mind a few times, Kion didn't wipe off the crown mark on his forehead. He wasn't sure why but its just that he didn't feel like he wanted to.

He looked up to the night sky, hoping that maybe he could find the stars that helped lead him to the Tree of Life. But the thing is that he had no clue where he was, which meant he had no sense of direction. But he kept on trying every night to find those stars.

After an hour of looking, Kion felt his eyes getting heavy. So he stood up and walked back to where his friends were and fell asleep. Maybe today they would get something done.

The Tree of Life

Rani opened her chocolate brown eyes to be greeted with the green glowing tint of the Tree of Life. The Queen looked to her, thinking the incident that occurred those months ago was just a bad dream, but nope, Kion was gone. She cried for a few minutes before getting the strength to get up and start her day.

She walked out of the Tree of Life and felt the gentle morning breeze blow against her fur. She hesitantly walked and began her morning duties.

Ever since the incident with the Elementals, Kion's Night Pride continued to help out Queen Rani. However Azaad went straight back to his territory, heartbroken over Fuli's disappearance. Everyone in the Kingdom however was on edge. If elemental lions existed, who knew what else could be out there.

Rani paced throughout the Tree of life kingdom. She would occasionally stop to check to see if some Animals were alright, but for the most part everyone was fine. "QUEEN RANI!" Rani groaned. She knew who was calling out to her. "Yes Zuri?" She said, trying her best not to lose her cool. "So um do you think you could give me another den to sleep in because this one is too dirty and gross."

Rani groaned. "Zuri I'm sorry but if you don't like the den then you can sleep outside with the other animals." Zuri groaned and rolled her eyes. "Fine-uh!" The lioness turned around and walked away.

Ever since Tiffu decided to go to the Tree of Life to see Baliyo for "reasons", Zuri being the protective big sister figure, decided to tag along, much to Rani's annoyance.However dealing with Zuri was the least of her worries, since the Night Pride had just lost three members, including the only one who had powers. She had to prepare for another threat, and didn't really have the time to deal with Zuri.

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