Episode 5: Problems Arising

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Kion opened his eyes and yawned as he woke up. He looked to the entrance of the Tree of life and saw that the sun still hasn't came up yet. He looked to his side and saw that Rani wasn't there.

Kion stood up and walked towards the entrance and began to track Rani's scent. He followed her scent to the cliff that overlooked the whole kingdom. He saw Rani sitting there, and he could hear her crying. "Rani?" he said, grabbing her attention.

Rani perked up and quickly began to wipe away her tears. She heard Kion's footsteps get closer. She looked to her side and saw him sit down next to her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" She lied. Kion placed his paw on the side of her face and looked into her eyes. "It's alright, I'm here."

Rani stared back before pulling Kion into a hug. She cried on his shoulder while Kion just held her in his embrace. The stress of Shomari's return was a lot for her to handle, and he knew it. So the least he could do was be there for her.

Kion woke up and instinctively looked to his side, hoping to see Rani there next to him. But as always, she wan't there. This was the same for the previous few months. He sighed out of disappointment and rested his head on his paws. He tried to close his eyes and doze off, but this was interrupted when he heard someone approaching.

He perked up and looked around. He heard growling noises surrounding him. He tried to find the source of the noise, but was quickly knocked out before he could react.

The Pridelands

It was a slightly more windy day than usual in the Pridelands, though Vitani didn't mind. She walked up ahead a few meters from her team while they patrolled, although she could hear her boyfriend and the rest of the guard chatting. Although she knew Kopa wouldn't do anything, it did make her upset that Kopa was hanging out with them rather than her.

She tried to tell herself that it was stupid, but regardless Vitani did feel a little jealous. As for Kopa, he spent most of Patrol slightly venting about his issues with Vitani, how she disliked public displays of affection, her being overprotective of him, and overall her acting cold towards him. In response her guard told him stories from when they lived in the outlands, and how Vitani handles his death.

Despite him understanding she went through alot, it still didn't change the fact that their relationship was suffering from those issues.

"HELP!" A female voice cried out in the distance.

Tazama quickly climbed up on a large rock and looked into the distance to see where the voice was coming from. "THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE BOARDER!" Tazama shouted while pointing her paw in the general direction of the voice.

"Alright, Lets go!" Vitani ordered. Her team obeyed and followed her as they ran over to the voice.

Once they got within range to see what was going on, the Guard was instantly greeted with several blasts of lighting. But once they were able to get somewhere out of the way, they spotted a brownish-tan lioness running from Elementals, the lighting cheetah clan to be specific.


Kopa smirked. "Finally!"

Imara, Shabaha, and kasi ran straight towards the elementals, and quickly knocked some of them to their sides, which grabbed the attention of a majority of them. They circled around the lionesses, with their powers beginning to charge up. Quickly reacting, the three of them began to shove past the barrier the elementals created and circled around them, landing as many blows as they could.

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