Episode 4: Hiding in the jungle

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"HEY VITANI!" Vitani opened her purple eyes and woke to the sound of Tazama yelling in the Lion Guard den. She lifted her head and looked to the entrance of the den while rubbing her eyes and yawning. "You have five seconds to explain why you woke me up before I rip out your throats!" Vitani growled.

As if on cue, Imara walked in with an elemental from the fire clan on her back. She walked over to the small lake in the den and tossed her into the water to keep her powers at bay.

The elemental landed in the water and she regained consciousness. She saw the guard and tried to ignite her fire powers, but she quickly realized she was immersed in water, and that she was surrounded.

"How did you find her?" Vitani questioned.

"Kopa found her sneaking around the Pridelands, and we helped him knock her out so we could bring her here" Tazama explained.

"Kopa did that?" Vitani turned her head to the entrance of the cave and saw kopa walk in. They awkwardly made eye contact before he looked away and made his way over to the elemental.

"So now what?" Shabaha asked.

"We interrogate her, see if we can learn anything." Kopa responded while glancing at the elemental.

"But who's gonna do the interrogation?" Imara asked.

"I'll do it!" Vitani spoke up. She walked over to the elemental. Who was unable to regain her strength to even barley stand up. She looked down upon her and unsheathed her claws and placed them in the ground. "Now, lets see what you know!"

The Tree of Life

Rani walked over to where kion's guard usually met every day. Their numbers were getting smaller, and if this continues then at some point the elementals would use this to their advantage. She saw Beshte, Anga, and Zuri waiting. Beshte had a smile on his face as always, Anga had a calm expression on her face and Zuri had an annoyed look on her face as expected. The only reason she was helping the Night Pride was just because Tiffu wanted her off her back, and Zuri reluctantly listened to her long story short.

"So, are we ready to start patrol?" Rani said as she walked up to her team.

"WAIT UP!" Shouted a voice from behind. Rani turned around and saw a yellow blur approach her.

"Azaad! What are you doing here?" Rani asked. Azaad shrugged his shoulders. "Azaad thought that maybe he could help you and the Night Pride with the elementals. After all they took Fuli from me and I want to make things even."

Rani looked behind her and saw her team of three, then looked back at Azaad. As far as she was concerned Azaad didn't have much experience, but neither did Zuri, and with the growing threat of the elementals what choice did she have. She sighed," Alright, you can join us, just don't do anything out of line!"

Azaad bowed his head down. "Yes Queen Rani!"

"FULI, Can we stop walking please!?" Bunga complained.

"Bunga! We need to find Kion some food so we can continue to find our way back home, and we cant do that if we are going to die of starvation!" Fuli responded.

"Says you, I could just look under a rock and i'm set for a week!" Fuli rolled her eyes. "Yeah but some of us cant survive on Bugs!"

"Simba did and look how he turned out!"

"Well we're not Simba are we!" Fuli snapped back.

"Fine but what do you need me for!"

"I need you to held distract the prey so i could take it down."

"You hunted on your own for most of your life, you 'll be fine!"

"Yeah but there is a different between the wide and open savannah and a jungle filled with trees everywhere, now help me!"


Bunga and Fuli walked around the jungle searching for anything to hunt, but the Jungle didn't have much to offer in terms of prey, so Fuli and Bunga didn't have much luck. They began to walk back when they heard a twig snap.

The duo stopped in their tracks and looked around them to see who was following them. They stayed silent before hearing a light growl. Bunga and Fuli stood back to back, waiting for whoever was following them to show themselves.

They heard the leaves ruffle, and looked to where the sound came from, and what emerged was a white tiger, whom had a light-blue glow around him. But before Fuli and Bunga could question him, an ice blast went off in their direction. Luckily the two teens were able to dodge the blast.

Fuli quickly grabbed Bunga by his scruff and tossed him on her back as she began to run off. Bunga turned around and saw ice blasts going off in their general direction. "RUN FASTER FULI!" Bunga said, freaking out.

"I'M TRYING, JUST CALM DOWN!" Fuli retorted.

Fuli looked to her right and saw the dense jungle, and decided that the tree's could be used to shield them from the ice blasts. So she quickly ran into the dense jungle and didn't look back.

She ran through the jungle for 10 minuets before stopping to catch her breath. She looked behind her and saw that she lost the elemental. She sighed out of relief and stood back up and ran back to where they left Kion.

"Hey! Where were you guys?" Kion asked when he saw Fuli and Bunga approaching him.

Fuli began to slow down, and Bunga jumped off of Fuli's back. "We went to find some food, but it didn't go as expected." Fuli explained.

"Yeah this tiger just showed up from nowhere and started shooting Ice at us. It was insane! You should have been there dude!" Bunga explained.

"Hold Up! There's an Ice Tiger?" Kion questioned.

"Yeah! I know!"

"But I thought the fire lions were the only ones with elemental powers!?"

"Well clearly they aren't the only ones." Fuli responded.

Sorry I haven't posted sooner. New Year's was a whole thing, and I was busy working on my new Lion Guard story (go check it out please) so yeah I apologize if this chapter is a bit underwhelming. But yeah I'm trying to work on some new content for you guys so stay tuned. 

And happy 2020 Season 3.

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