Episode 10: Looking Back

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It was pouring, the wind was cold, and dark clouds could be seen from every direction one could see if they looked to the sky and faced the horizon. However it wasn't like the tiro had any choice, as Bunga spotted an elemental patrolling the area theory were in. So their best bet was to use the rain to mask their scent, and try to create some distance between them, and the Elementals.

Fuli of course wasn't happy with the condition she was put in. Pouring rain aside, her injuries hindered her ability to even walk on her own, as she had to rely on Kion or Bunga to even walk, which was not pleasant as her injuries needed proper care.

The low light didn't help her either, as the clouds effectively blocked out the sun, making everything harder to see. That combined with the shade of the jungle, and of course her low energy due to the limited food in the area made it so that she had to rely on Kion and Bunga for navigation, as they had better night-vision.

Kion wasn't pleased with the situation they were in. In fact he just wanted to lay down and sleep. He didn't care if it was raining or cold, he just wanted to rest. Everything took a toll on him. Not just the situation he had to put up with for the past few months, all of it.

Ever since the Roar, he was always burdened with his role of leading the Guard. While his family tried their best to make sure he had some form of normalcy growing up, it still didn't change the fact that he was stuck with this burden, both his responsibility of leading the Guard, as well as the fear of something happening to the ones he cares about.

The fear of Scar doing something to hurt his family, or worse him being the one who hurts the ones he loves. That fear took a toll on him, he missed his more carefree days, where he would just hang out with his friends. It was much more simple like that. At that point the only destiny he had to look forward to was just to find a lioness and have a family of his own.

But now, there was no turning back. At this point he could just hope to find either The Tree of Life or the Pridelands and just relax. That's all he wants. Just for one moment of silence. Of course realistically that wouldn't ever happen any time soon.

In all of his experiences in life, Bunga hadn't known a situation more difficult to be optimistic or care-free in than the one he was currently in. Each week is just another chance for the thought of him never returning home to settle in.

Is this how the rest of their lives were going to go? The three were all just going to be on the run, or try to find their way home? At some point they either will have to make some form of progress, or just give up and find a new home, start over again.

So that's it, just give up on everything? What about Bunga? Or Uncle Timon and Pumbaa? Then of course his friends might not be so willing to let go of their respective significant others. Fuli didn't show an interest in anyone aside from Azaad, as he was the only one where she could just relax near him. And despite their disputes and immature handling of the situation, Kion was willing to grow up a bit more if it meant fixing his relationship with Rani.

The more he thinks about it, the more Bunga wishes this was all just a bad dream. That he could just wake up and find that everything was alright. He was still with Binga, back at the Tree of Life, with his friends.

But what hurts the most, is the guilt. Thinking back, Kion was right. He was a jerk whenever his friends truly needed support. Instead he continued making his stupid jokes. Was it truly a coping mechanism, trying to remain ignorant to the severity of the situation, or was he just that stupid?

It didn't matter, all he could do now was just try to do better now. Just try and support the two who were like a brother and sister to him all his life. Kion was always there for him, and Fuli was there to look after the two of them, whether it be making sure Kion's scar didn't take control, or making sure that he didn't pull off anything that could get him killed. The least he could do was return the favor

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