Episode 11: Reorgonizing

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The trio slowly opened their eyes, to find themselves in a den. They squinted as the sunlight entered their eyes, as they gazed towards the entrance of the den. There was a lush grassy field outside, with several animals grazing there. It was almost comparable to the Pridelands.

Kion, Bunga, and Fuli stood up on their legs and walked towards the entrance. They squinted as their eyes re-adjusted to the bright sunlight, but could see properly quickly. They looked around, not exactly sure what to do. They didn't even know how they got there.

"So you're finally awake!" Said a feminine voice.

The trio turned around to see a lioness with fur color so pale, it was borderline white. And next to her, a lion with an orangish-brown fur coat, and a brown mane with orange highlights. "What is this place?" Kion asked.

"The Grasslands! We found you by the border near the Jungle." The Male Lion explained.

"What were you three doing in the Jungle anyways?" The lioness asked.

"It's a long story!' Fuli responded.

"Well, we have a lot of spare time, tell us!" The male Lion responded.

Seeing no reason not to, the trio highlighted the events of the past few months. Mostly just that they encountered the elementals, and ended up stranded in the jungle, trying to avoid a different elemental clan.

As for the Lion and Lioness, they are the King and Queen of the grasslands. They have two cubs, who are out with the rest of the pride at the moment.

Kion thanked the two for their hospitality, however they needed to get back to the Pridelands as soon as possible. The King had heard of the pridelands, and offered to guide them in the general direction of the kingdom.

However this conversation would be cut short, once a few intruders entered the kingdom.

Kovu followed Kiara's scent into the outlands. His heart was racing, as the paranoid thoughts in his head only grew even more louder.

He snuck along the Outlands, trying not to alert anyone to his presence. He then noticed a light-blue glow in the distance, and began to make his way towards the glow. Once he showed up, he saw two lightning elementals guarding the entrance to a den.

It would be reasonable to assume that Kiara was probably stuck in the den. "What are you doing!" A voice whispered. Kovu turned to see his adopted sister, along with her Guard standing behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Kovu whispered back.

"Checking to make sure you're not doing anything stupid. Why are you in the outlands?" Vitani answered.

"I was following Kiara's scent, and I fend, that." Kovu said, nudging his head in the direction of the elementals.

Vitani and the rest of her team looked over, and noticed the group of lightning elementals below them. "I'm assuming Kiara's in the den they are guarding?" Vitani whispered.

"Pretty much, what are we going to do?" Kovu asked.

"Well, we'll take care of the elementals, once they are distracted you go in to retrieve Kiara, afterwards head straight home, got it?"

Kovu nodded.

Vitani and her team circled around the area away from where the den was. Once they were in a good position, Vitani shouted to get their attention. "HEY!" She shouted.

The lightning elementals looked up to see the Lion Guard standing at the top of the crater they were in. "The Lion Guard! GET THEM!" The head of the lightning clan ordered.

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