Episode 7: Heat of the Battle

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"Come on!" Fuli whispered.

"Quiet Fuli, they might hear us!' Bunga complained

"Shut up Bunga!" Fuli growled.

"You shut up!"

"You two shut up, hurry before they notice us!" Kion added.

"WHERE ARE THE PRISONERS!" An angry voice boomed.

"Crap! Alright come on, we just have to sneak into the Jungle and we're home free!" Kion, Fuli, and Bunga quickly made it out of the cave and looked around to see a semi, snowy area, blending into the jungle. The looked off into the distance and saw the Jungle they have been staying in.

They heard footsteps of the other elementals approaching, so the three teens made a break for the Jungle. As they quickly ran out of the snowy area, and deeper into the dense jungle, they did their best to not slip in the mud, while simultaneously looking over their shoulders to make sure that they weren't being followed, or at the very least making sure that they had a significant amount of distance between them and the other elementals.

Fuli quickly tossed Bunga onto her back, as he was clearly getting tired and his small legs wouldn't allow him to keep up with him or Kion. "Thanks!" He thanked.

They sprinted farther into the Jungle, and could see some light at the end of the dense trees, meaning there was an open area. Although it would be best to avoid it as it would be easier for the elementals to spot them, at the same time they were running through an incredibly dense Jungle in the middle of the night, so they could barley see anything until it was a meter away from their faces.

Deciding for a chance to at least see where they were going, Kion lead Fuli and Bunga to the open area, but once they made it out of the trees, they saw that there was only a small field, with the area mostly being a large river.

Noticing that the current was flowing away from the Elemental's base, Kion had an idea. He spotted a nearby log, which was split in half, and started to push it into the river. "When I say now, get on, got it?"

Fuli and Bunga nodded, and Kion continued to push the log into the river. Fuli and Bunga turned around, as they heard the approaching elementals. "Come on Kion." Bunga muttered to himself, impatient waiting for Kion to get the log into the water.

"Ok NOW!" Fuli quickly hopped onto the Log, with Kion quickly also jumping on it as well. The three teenagers turned around and they could barley see the tigers approaching them. But it didn't matter, the current was strong that Night, so there was no chance that they could catch up at this point.

"What happened!" Tiffu shouted as she approached the Tree of Life.

"Baliyo was injured in a fight. Thankfully he's still in one piece." Rani responded, as she was sitting on the outside of the Tree of life, waiting for Makini to finish healing Baliyo, or at the very least make sure he didn't take too much internal damage.

The memory of seeing the elemental just beating the crap out of her brother infuriated her, unknownst to her, she was clawing out a small piece of grass. She was thinking of what to do if she ever saw that elemental ever gain, and whether or not she should show mercy. They took Kion, and nearly took her brother.

"When can I see him?" Tiffu said, snapping Rani out of her thoughts.

"Oh, once he is stable." Rani responded, now focusing on the current situation.

The queen looked at Tiffu, and noticed the worried look on her face. "Don't worry, he's going to be fine."

"How do you know that?" Tiffu responded.

"He survived a lot in his life, so I know he's going to get through this. If anything he would only have to rest only for a few days."

The Pridelands

"Vitani, you there!" Kovu called out.

"Go AWAY Kovu!" Vitani shouted from her hiding spot.

"Vitani, we both know that whatever you are doing isn't healthy." Kovu said as he approached her.

"HOW is it not healthy?" She growled back at her brother.

"For starters, isolating yourself from everyone and not getting help." Vitani turned away fromm Kovu. "I don't need help, I can handle everything myself."

"Everyone needs help sometimes. That's why you have a team, it's why I have Kiara-"

"Good for you Kovu you have a healthy relationship! Are you done bragging now!" Vitani finally faced Kovu. She had an angry expression on her face, her eyes were red, and tears were flowing down her face.

"Vitani! Are you alright?" Kovu said, taken aback from what he had just saw. It was a rare sight to see Vitani sad, much less crying.

"NO! I'm not. I thought that me and Kopa could just start from where we left off but.....I can't help but feel like everything is falling apart."

Kovu leaned closer to Vitani, and pulled her into a hug, comforting her. " I know that must be hard, but part of a relationship is being able to talk out your issues, you can't just hide in a cave crying about your problem, you need to talk these things out with Kopa."

"Yeah once he admits that he's been acting like a cub this whole time!" Vitani retorted.

"OR you could admit that you are the one being too stubborn." Kovu suggested.

"I am NOT stubborn." That response almost caused Kovu to burst out laughing, but he managed to hold it in so he wouldn't anger his sister even further.

" That's a lie, we both know it."

"Kopa, you alright?" Kiara asked, approaching her brother on the edge of Pride Rock.

"I'm fine I'm just thinking." Kopa responded while staring at the night sky.

"About what?" Kiara responded, as she also gazed upon the stars.

".....Y'know that we used to do this alot when we were younger. You would climb up on my shoulders and stare at the stars." Kopa smiled, happily remembering his youth, "Y'know you were an obnoxious little fuzzball. Though I didn't mind you that much."

Kiara chuckled, remembering the times she spent together with Kion when he was a newborn. "If only I could remember the time I spent with you."

Kopa chuckled, "Well you did mess with me a lot. I just wished I would have stuck around. Had I known that dad would have been so strict, I would have stayed."

Kiara smiled. "It's alright, you did what you thought was right."

The two of them turned back to the stars, specifically the stars that led to the Tree of Life. "Do you think Kion is up there?" Kiara asked.

"Well, dad did say the kings of the past we're up there. And Kion is a king." Kopa responded.

Kiara sighed. "His death really took a toll on Rani. From what I heard she just spends the day crying until she falls asleep again."

"........What am I going to do? I try to be loving and supportive to Vitani but.....she just gets mad and pushes me away, as if she's ashamed of me." Kiara put her paw on Kopa's shoulder to comfort him. "I know Vitani cares about you, she was just raised in an environment where showing emotion is viewed as a weakness."

"Yeah but you don't have those issues with Kovu. He's perfectly fine with showing affection near you, or you showing affection near him." Kopa pointed out. "Yeah but he still does have some issues with communicating, and we have talked over it."

"And that's the thing, she doesn't want to talk about it. When I ask her what's wrong she just tells me that she's fine. And when I try to continue she just gets madder. I don't know what to do."

Sorry for the delay, I was more focused on other things and such. Along with that I am just not as happy with these chapters. Like io feel like they could be so much more. But yeah it's kinda why I have been hesitating to post new chapters. 

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