Chapter 4

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Cher's POV

"Amandaaa!!! I can finally sit with Taylor!!! I have been waiting for this for like the longest time!!! Gosh I am going to cry..." -C

"Oh my gosh Cher don't cry! *laughing so hard* Hey by the way, I saw him talking to you just now! What did he say?" -A

"Oh my goodness he knows my name! He actually noticed me and remembered my name! He even said that I am the smartest girl in the class!!! Although that is totally not true..." -C

"Yes of course that is true! You are the cleverest girl I have ever met in my life!" -A

"No... Anyway, he talked to me! He finally talked to meee!!!" -C

Taylor's POV

"Gosh Kyle she talked to meee!!! She is super humble that she even said she is not the smartest girl in the class! Oh wait of course she is not, she is the cleverest girl I have ever met in my life!!!" -T

Kyle is my best friend... No, he is literally my brother. We called each other "bro" as we could co-operate as well as any other people could.

"Yeah I know right... Hey have you asked her out yet?!" -K

"Umm... Urgh... Umm... I... Like... Okay, no, I haven't. But listen to me! Things can't be that rush! She might think I am weird or I might scare her..." -T

"Arghhh still haven't?! I am already dating Amanda and you haven't even ask Cher out?! Gosh what kind of person are you?! How could you wait so long?!" -K

Okay so this is the BIGGEST difference between me and Kyle. He is always brave enough to ask girls out and he is always dating different girls. Unlike him, I am never brave enough to ask girls our... Umm actually at the moment when I know what love is, I already had a huge crush on Cher, and she is by far the only girl I have ever loved... Amanda is Cher's bestie and she is extremely beautiful.

"Yeah... Okay fine I admit I have not guts... So what?! Not everyone is as brave as you!" -T

"*Laughing really hard* You finally admit it! I told you already! Okay bro, now you HAVE TO ask her out ASAP, or else I will tease you all the time for the rest of your life. *smirking*" -K

"Okay okay... I will try to ask her out... But I don't know what does she think of me... " -T

"How can a girl refuse a guy who is as cute as youuu? *giving me a dirty look*" -K

"Not really. *giving him an annoyed face*" -T

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