Chapter 36

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Taylor's POV

"Cher! Don't go! Listen to me first!" -T

I am not sure if it is because of her anger or is it because of her sadness and disappointment, her body is shaking non-stop. Tears ran down her face, dripping, causing her clothes wet. Then, she just turned and started to run.

"Cher! It is not how you think it is! Let me explain first! Cher!" -T

But she didn't stop.

"Cher! Just stop! Please!" -T

"Why? Why did you take my heart away and then tear it apart? Why did you take it when you didn't need it?" -C

"No... No, it is not like that! I need you heart! I need your love! I need you! I-" -T

"No, no you don't. If you need it, you would have treasured it." -C

"I did... It's just that..." -T

"What? Taylor, don't lie to yourself." -C

All I can see on her face is disappointment.

"No... I thought what you said earlier was real..." -T

"Which part are you referring to? The Rebecca part or the break up part? The Rebecca part was real which is correct. The break up part... Was not serious. I thought you would apologise very soon, but I had never expected that it would never happen..." -C

"No! No! It had just happened! I am already very very sorry!" -T

Tears ran down my face, so as hers. Before she turned away, she talked to me for the very last time.

"No, Taylor. It is not the same anymore. The meaning behind your 'sorry' changed. Your promises changed. You changed."

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