Chapter 19

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Sorry guys! I had been on a vacation these days so I didn't have time to publish any chapters! I promise this seldom happens on me! Anyways, thanks for all your patience, understanding and support! Please vote for me and also feel free to leave comments!

On Saturday

Cher's POV

I have been waiting at this Starbucks for more than an hour already, but there is not a single sign of that "Rebecca" nor Taylor. Did I really guessed it wrongly this time? Or did they cancel the meeting because Taylor is afraid of me knowing it? No, he won't, at least I don't think he will because if he has started with this girl, he shouldn't care about me anymore. Wait is that Taylor?! OMG yeshhh he is finally here! Gosh I am correct!

Oh no... He is now walking towards a girl, a really pretty girl. No, she is the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life... Could she be Rebecca? No, please no... How could I compete with such a beautiful girl?! Oh no, she is Rebecca...

"Hey Re! How're you doin'? " -T

"Great! You?" -R

"Same! Okay, lets have a sit first! What do u want to have?" -T

"Umm... Maybe a hot Caramel Macchiato?" -R

"This is my favourite as well! OMG we share a lot of common interests, don't we?!" -T

Oh shoot! That was exactly what happened on our first date! No! Taylor no! Don't you dare to get her a drink?!

"Yes we do!" -R

"Okay, so you wait here, and I will get it for you. What size do you want?" -T

No. Tell. Me. This. Is. Not. True. He didn't ask me about the size that day! Why is he being even nicer to this girl than me?! No way!

"Oh okay thanks!" -R

I didn't know what they were talking about for the rest of the conversation as they were talking pretty softly, but I wish I did because Taylor was laughing hard af. I want to know how did that "Rebecca" do that. I want to know what did she do. I want to know everything they did.

Now they suddenly stood up, smiling, and then walked out of the door. Where are they going? I don't know. The only thing I know right now is that I have to follow (spy) them and have to stop them for doing anything inappropriate.

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