Chapter 32

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Taylor's POV

"Hi Taylor! Are you ready to go yet?" -R

"Umm... Yeah, of course! Why not..." -T

"Great! Then lets go!" -R

"Umm... Rebecca, you sound much better now! Maybe you don't have to see the doctor! Or... You don't need my accompany, right...? Yeah, I guess so... B... Bye...!" -T

"Hey Taylor what do you mean? Do you have anything to do? If so, then... I am sorry to bother you! Or if you are just simply don't want to come with me, it's... it's totally fine too... Yeah! J... Just tell me! I... I am totally fine with it! I guess..." -R

"Oh no! I... I was just asking'... Lets go!" -T

"Are you sure...?" -R

"Yeah... Of course...! Why not? Lets go! Hurry up!" -T

"Okay!" -C

What did Cher tell him that made him almost changed his mind? I am sure Cher noticed something wrong... What if... What if she follows us? And ruin everything I planned? Oh no... I should have a second one planned now...

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