Chapter 35

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Rebecca's POV

I have to do something, or else everything will be too late. Taylor might have already noticed something. He might have already known what's happening. If I don't start my action now, that won't be any other chances for me.

Taylor's POV

"Hey Taylor." -R

"Yes?" -T

"What do you think about me?" -R

"...what do you mean?" -T

"Like... Your thought on me?" -R

"Umm... Nice? Beautiful? ..." -T

"Do you think I am attractive?" -R

"...what do you mean by 'attractive'...?" -T

"By 'attractive', I mean you are attracted to me." -R

"...attracted to you..." -T

"Do you like me?" -R

"...of course-" -T

"Then do you love me?" -R

"" -T

"Do you love me?" -R

"...I don't know..." -T

"Tell me. Taylor, just tell me. Cher is not here now, you can say whatever you want!" -R

"I really don't know..." -T

"Then lets try it out." -R

Before I could even think what did she mean, she moved forward, put her arms around my neck, closed her eyes, and put her lips on mine. Immediately, I felt a flow of electricity ran into my heart, and then through my spine. I have never felt like this before not even when Cher kissed me. I can't help but hugged her back and start kissing her as well. But suddenly, Cher's face ran into my mind which brought me back to reality. So I held my hands back, and pushed away Rebecca.

"Re... Rebecca... Stop..." -T

"Why?" -R

"Because... Because Cher is my girlfriend..." -T

Suddenly, Rebecca gave out a cold laugh.

"If you didn't enjoy our kiss, you wouldn't have hugged me. Taylor, don't lie to yourself, you like me. Also, don't forget you and Cher have already broken up. The relationship between two of you are already not boyfriend and girlfriend, it is almost good friend. She has no right to control you. Taylor, you know you like me. Just say it out loud and accept my kiss! You know you have enjoyed it, have you not?" -R

"Y.. Yes but..." -T

"No more 'but's." -R

Then she kissed me again. This time I didn't try to reject her. I just enjoyed myself with her. But suddenly, I saw a shadow. A familiar shadow which made me start to regret.

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