Chapter 21

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Hey guysss!!! PLEASE READDD!!! I know that I have promised you guys I wouldn't update that infrequently anymore, but school was just really stressful. I thought it should be relaxing until the month before our exams come which is May, but this isn't the case. It is really stressful and tiring starting from March. I have been doing my homework until 10:30 - 11pm at night EVERYDAY. Yes. I am not joking, I am totally serious. Please understand. But I would still try to upload as much as could especially during weekends but I promise I won't stop writing this until I finish, ok?;) Also, please please please leave me comments on the story about how I can improve the chapters or even how you want it to end! If you have any opinions or anything you don't understand, never hesitate to leave comments because I would love to read them! Most importantly, PLEASE VOTE!!! Anyway, once again, thank you guys for keep on reading my story, this means the WORLD to me! Every time when I check my views and see it increased for even only 10 views, it would make my dayyy!!!

At school

Cher's POV

Now we are back to normal. He doesn't text anymore, at least not in front of me. We always hug and kiss. Nothing goes wrong anymore. But still, I always feel weird and uncomfortable and unsafe with him. I tried to control myself and keep myself away from these kind of feelings.

"Hey what you are doing?" -T

"Oh! Umm... Nothing! I was just... Thinking!" -C

"Thinking? Think what? Why were you so focused?" -T

"Nothing, you know... School is always so stressful." -C

"Yeah, but you have meee! I would always stand by you and support you!" -T

"Aww... Thanks Taylorrr~ I love you so muchhh muahhh!" -C

"Don't fake-kiss meee! You should know wut would it leads to!" -T

Then before I could run away from him, he hugged me tight and immediately pushed his lips on mine. At first, I tried to push him away, but he was just too strong, so I could only let him continue. After a while, I began to burst into laughter so he stopped.

"What happened?! Why did you laugh?!" -T

"Because... I don't even know! I just felt like laughing!*still laughing*" -C

"Okay..." -T

He turned and went away. I ran and hugged him from his back in his waist tightly. He turned to look at me curiously. Then my hands moved up from his waist to his neck, and his hands were on my waist. I tightened my arms to make him come closer to me.

"Never?" -C

"Never what?" -T

"You will never leave me, right?" -C

"Yes, never." -T

His head moved forward, nearer and nearer to mine, and our lips met.

Sometimes, people don't understand the promise they made when they are making them.

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