Chapter 31

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Taylor's POV

I don't know what happened to Cher but she is extremely insane! Did I do anything wrong...? I don't think so... But what makes me confused the most is that... Are we broken up...? Or nothing changed...? I... I didn't actually mean what I said... It was just that I was really mad that she was suddenly shouting at me like crazy! But the most unreasonable thing is that she was telling me not to go near Rebecca... I really don't understand what she was trying to say... What did she mean by "She would do anything in order to get what she wants! For now, believe it or not, you are her target"...? What kind of target did she mean? Enemy? Friends? Take revenge on? Or... Boyfriend...? I simply cannot believe what I heard and what i thought. I trust that Rebecca is as nice to her friends as ever and will never cheat on any of them. Also, even if it is the case, why can't she just trust me? I am her boyfriend! She should have trusted me... Wait, Taylor. You are not her boyfriend any more, remember? You agreed to break up. This might be the worst and stupidest thing you have ever said and decided. Since when have you been an idiot to say such thing that you would obviously regret?! Urgh! I really don't know.

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