Chapter 7

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Saturday at 1:45 pm

Cher's POV

Oh no he is here already am I late?! Would he think that I am irresponsible?! Oh no... Why is he so early...?!

"Oh my gosh sorry I am late!" -C

"Oh no you are not late! You are even early for 15 minutes! It is just me who is too early!" -T

Aww... He is so understanding...

"Not really! Oh lets go and get a drink first!" -C

"Sure! Why not?" -T

At Starbucks

"Hey what are you getting?" -T

"Umm... I don't know... Maybe a Frappuccino?" -C

"But it is winter... Would it be a bit too cold?" -T

Aww... He is such a caring boy...

"Oh yeah... Then maybe I would get a Caramel Macchiato ." -C

"Oh I love it as well! Okay I will get it for you, please wait a moment." -T

"No problem thank you!" -C

OMG he is so helpful... I am kinda obsessed with him now...

"Here you are!" -T

"Oh thank you! How much is it?" -C

"No need it is fine! I would pay it for you!" -T

"Of course not! I can pay it myself! Tell me how much is it!" -C

"How can a gentleman ask a girl for money? *smirking* Do you wanna make me not a gentleman?!" -T

OMFG he is such a nice guy gosh...

"Okay fine you win this time! But I will take revenge next time!" -C

"If you say so!" -T

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