Chapter 10

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A few days later at school

Cher's POV

"Heyyy boyfrienddd~" -C

"Heyyy girlfrienddd~" -T

"What 'cha doin'?" -C

"I want a kiss from my lovely girlfriend*smirking*" -T

Taylor suddenly moved forward and hugged me on my waist again. He is always doing this for these few days, although it is kinda annoying, I like it. I like the way he smirk, and I like the way he talk to me and hug me. I just love everything he does except for asking me to kiss him at school because I don't know what others would think about us if we do that. But on the other hand, I really enjoy looking at other girls' jealous faces when Taylor is talking to me and hugging me!

"No! Not now! How can we kiss at school?! I think it is kinda against the school rules!" -C

"Argh! Don't try to be a good school girl in front of me! Anyway, if you say so. You owe me a kiss now! You will have to pay it back after school! Understand?" -T

"Yes sir! *giggling*" -C

"Good girl. *grinning*" -T

Taylor's POV

"Heyyy boyfrienddd~" -C

"Heyyy girlfrienddd~" -T

"What 'cha doin'?" -C

"I want a kiss from my lovely girlfriend*smirking*" -T

I just LOVE when she calls me boyfriend because everything just seems so unreal until she calls me that.

"No! Not now! How can we kiss at school?! I think it is kinda against the school rules!" -C

Oh I just HATE when she is trying to be a good girl, but that is also the thing that makes me started notice her when I was 12. It started when everybody was chatting and shouting really loudly and most of them did something against the school rules, but she was (kinda) the only one who just kept silent during the lessons and be disciplined and even tried very hard to concentrate on her study and listen to the teacher, but the people around her just kept on disturbing her and try to distract her. Finally, one day she can't help but tell a teacher about everything, and at last the teacher punished those students who disturbed her. I just love how straight and brave she is!

"Argh! Don't try to be a good school girl in front of me! Anyway, if you say so. You owe me a kiss now! You will have to pay it back after school! Understand?" -T

"Yes sir! *giggling*" -C

"Good girl. *grinning*" -T

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