Chapter 9

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After the movie

Cher's POV

"Oh it is already 5! Should we go to the beach and have a walk?" -C

"I have no reason to say 'no', have I?" -T

At the beach

"Oh my goodness the sunset is so pretty..." -C

"OMG yes! It is as beautiful as you..." -T

OMG is he complimenting me?! No... There is always so much beauty upon him... Why would he like a normal girl like me...? Oh no I am blushing again...

"Not really! It is much more beautiful than me!" -C

"Of course not! Once again, never underestimate yourself Cher! Sometimes it is good to be humble, but do not underestimate yourself!" -T

Does he really mean what he said...? No way, he is just being a nice guy as he usually is...

"No! I didn't! Don't tease me anymore! Gosh-" -C

As I was talking, I suddenly tripped a stone and I fell on Taylor! Gosh it was so embarrassing! We both blushed so hard... Wait, why is he blushing as well?!

"Umm... Cher... Umm..." -T

"I'm very sorry!" -C

As I was going to stand up, Taylor suddenly hugged me on my waist and stopped me from standing up...

"No! Don't be! Umm... Actually... Cher... Umm... I... I wanna say... I... I love you... I have had a crush on you since... Since I was 12... I know it is embarrassing but... I was never brave enough to even talk to you! I just... I love you..." -T


"Umm... Actually... Umm... Taylor... I... " -C

"Cher, actually you don't have to be my girlfriend if you don't want to... I just... I just wanna express my... Feeling..." -T

OMG he looked really hurt and disappointed... I think he is serious...

"No, Taylor! I don't mean to refuse you! I... I just wanna say... I... I love you too... I have had the biggest crush on you since 12 as well... But as there are always a bunch of girls around you during recesses and lunches, I never talked to you... Also, I was never brave enough to talk to you as well as I thought you had never noticed me... " -C


"Oh my gosh... So that means you will be my girlfriend...? Seriouly...?" -T

"Yes... Of course I will... " -C

"Yeshhh finallyyy!!! Cher... I love you so much... " -T

"Shh... I know..." -C

Then I slowly lean forward and our lips met. The kiss was slow but passionate. After that, we stand up and he hugged me again.

"I hope we could be like this forever. " -T

"We will, we will." -C

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