Chapter 26

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Hey guys! I know it is pretty rare to see me updating my story during weekdays but, I REALLY WANNA SAY THANK YOU TO YOU GUYS cause we finally reached 1K! How amazing! I know it might be a small amount to you or it might be too long to reach 1K in our opinion, but if you can think at my position, you would understand. First, I am only a student and secondly, this is only my first book but most of all, I only undated my story during weekends which I really did try hard not to but... You know, school is always stressful. Anyway, THAT'S WHY I AM UPDATING A CHAPTER! I love you guys so much and this just MADE MY DAY. As always, if you have any request, feel free to leave comments and I promise I will read all of your comments! Also, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter! So without further do, let's just jump back to the story XD

At school

Rebecca's POV

Urghhh what have I done?! After all these hard works, Cher finally accepted and trusted me and we even became besties! But I really don't know why, I just felt a bit disappointed and sad and angry and most of all, jealous when Taylor and Cher held hands and hugged in the public and revealed their relationship... I know I shouldn't as I promised Cher and they are both my best friends but I really just can't help! I... I like Taylor... I really do like him much more then any other guys. Actually I have been liking him since we met the first time, is this what is called "love at the first site"? I reallt don't know, but I just have the feeling that I want to have him. When I kissed Taylor on the beach and told him I love him, I really meant it. And when Taylor and I explaned to Cher about everything, I knew I wasn't telling the truth but Taylor was. He isn't in love with me, actually he never did. Everytime when he told Cher we were just good friends, I felt like somebody just punched my in my heart, or like a mini heart-attack... Well, not a mini one actually. I tried so hard to persuade myself to choose another guy but it never worked, everytime the reply was only "Rebecca, you know you love Taylor, and you know it is impossible for you to like the other ones, right?" Urghhh I already had enough of this! I had been hiding my feeling as best as I can, but I really can't help my tears when they hugged in the public... I am sorry Cher, but I lied to you. I love Taylor, and I know there is no way for me to change my feeling. I want to have him. I need to have him. I must have him.

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