Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV

"Umm... Cher...?" -T

OH MY GOSH what am I doing?! I am blushing!

"Urgh, yes?" -C

OH NO she must think that I am weird!

"Umm... Nothing just to say hi... Umm fine, are you free on this Saturday? Umm... Maybe we can go and watch a movie and go to Starbucks and have a drink..." -T

No please don't refuse me... Wait is she blushing?! Aww... She is extremely cute when her cheeks are rosy...

"Ouch!" -C

Oh no is she going to refuse me?!

"Huh what happened Cher? You look painful..." -C

"Oh nothing... Just... Umm... I... The shoes are kinda too tight... Oh! Of course! I would love to hangout with you!" -C

O. M. G. So is that a yes?!

"Seriously?! So what time and where are we meeting?" -T

"Umm... Lets just wait outside the Starbucks near to here at 2pm! Is that ok?" -C

"Oh yes! I am totally fine with it!" -T

Wait where and when?! I was appreciating her beautiful face all the time and I didn't pay any attention to what she was saying! Gosh, it was so embarrassing!

Cher's POV

OMG Taylor is walking me to now!

"Umm... Cher...?" -T

OH MY GOSH what is he going to say? Will he ask me out?! No, why would such a cute guy ask a girl like me out...?

"Urgh, yes?" -C

"Umm... Nothing just to say hi... Umm fine, are you free on this Saturday? Umm... Maybe we can go and watch a movie and go to Starbucks and have a drink..." -T

OH MY FREAKING GOD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS NOT TRUE. I thought it is just a dream so I kinda punched myself a bit too hard...

"Ouch!" -C

Oh no I am so embarrassed!

"Huh what happened Cher? You look painful..." -C

"Oh nothing... Just... Umm... I... The shoes are kinda too tight... Oh! Of course! I would love to hangout with you!" -C

He must think that he just asked the weirdest girl on Earth to hangout...

"Seriously?! So what time and where are we meeting?" -T

Ok Cher, you have to act like you are very calm.

"Umm... Lets just wait outside the Starbucks near to here at 2pm! Is that ok?" -C

"Oh yes! I am totally fine with it!" -T

Yeshhh he finally asked me outtt!!!

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