last part

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Ok, so, since I know that a few of you are like really confused by this story, I'm gonna say it straight in this short little story.



Melyssa and Michael are best friends. Melyssa was born an orphan. Her grandmother took care of her. Even though she's an orphan, she's just as excited as every other teenager around the world.

Michael, is Melyssa's girlfriend. At first, Ashton was the one who knows Melyssa. Then she get to know his four other friends. (P.S//in this story, they're not even a band.)

Ashton was pissed by the whole situation. He was so head over heels with Melyssa. But, Michael got her was faster before Ashton could even try to get near her.

But, Ashton didn't even care as long as Melyssa is happy.

The only thing that hurts him is that how much Melyssa reminds him of Lucy.

He regret the fact that he was the reason Lucy didn't get to stay here with him. He cried every single night. But when Melyssa was there, nothing in the world matters.

Tanya, his best buddy, or his fuck buddy to be honest, is just a new person in his life. Before he met Melyssa, he was so close to Tanya that she even knows what happened.


The real story is that Lucy died during a huge accident which involves him being the drunk driver. He was so drunk. He regret not listening to her. He regret it so fucking much.

Lucy was a kind and loveable girl. She's like this angel version of Effy from the skins series. She's beautiful. Calum loves to call her exotic because of her silver-like eyes colour. (But she called Calum exotic as well because she said "you look like an Asian but you don't look like an Asian". More likely to make him get pissed.)

And after she lost her life in the accident, Ashton didn't even recover from it. It had affected him so much that his body become so skinny for a month. His eyes are sore, from too much crying and lack of sleep. But after Melyssa came around, he became better.

Then, when Melyssa got together with Michael, he didn't want to repeat the same mistake with Lucy, by getting all worked up. He let go of the feeling. Tanya was there for him after all.

But as much as he tried to denied it, he was hurt. He got weak. Melyssa realized this sudden change right before he committed suicide.

After he jumped from the top of the church where he saw Melyssa for the first time, he went into the ICU after Luke saw him all bleeding in front of the huge front door when he just walked out of it.

Luke and Calum got all worked up by this. They blamed Michael on it, and by surprise, Michael accepted this situation like he was meant to be.

Melyssa grown tired of them arguing every night and all the screaming from either Luke, Calum, or Michael's room. Them screaming from the nightmare they're going through wakes her up everyday.

So she decided to stay beside of Ashton.


The written story in this story is like the vision Ashton went through while he's in coma. But right after he realized the fact that Melyssa and Lucy are not the same, he gave out his last breath, breaking even the single piece of heart Melyssa owns.

Melyssa learned how to face this. This, what she calls pain. Real pain. By facing it alone.

But since then Ashton is dead. So the story ends there.


I hate myself for saying "Ashton is dead"

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