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"Melyssa!!" Luke shouted, making me trip over my door step.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath. If it wasn't for Luke, I would've been falling flat on my face.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." he apologized.

"It's okay. What is it?" I asked, standing straight on my own feet, no longer more holding onto Luke's arm.

"Well, you know, Ruby, she kinda, got, you know. She kinda got, she-" he stuttered, making me groan.

"She kinda got??!" I groaned.

"She kinda got pregnant with Hilton's kid." he blurted out.

Hilton? Why would Ruby ever do such thing? Even though she was my best friend, doesn't mean she can go around and sleep with my boyfriend. And that's when it hit me. Maybe, it wasn't Ruby's wish. Maybe, Hilton was the one who wanted to do it. Never thought I actually fell for him. I should've known earlier that he was just another guy who wanted to use me, of course.

So, I ignored Luke and walk past him. I wasn't heart broken, or even mad at Ruby. She was innocent. I can't just go and blame her on everything. Besides, she was my best friend. Later or sooner, I'll finally forgive her and she would actually start talking to me again. But Hilton, he's gonna pay for what he did. Not that I was gonna ask for a break up, but, also, he's gonna be responsible for the kid.

"Where are you going?" Luke's Australian accent blurted out. Curiosity taking the best part of him, watching me slipping on my own flats.

"Just gonna go and take some fresh air. You know, that's what most of us do when we're gonna clear our mind." I answered his question. Basically, Luke was gonna come along, since he slipped in his own sneakers and followed my trail.

"Can I come along?" he asked once he stopped jogging and walk right beside me, shoving his hands into his sweatshirt's pocket.

"Sure. I won't mind. It's cool." I told him, looking down to the ground and kicking some pebbles.

Maybe I wasn't good enough for Hilton. Maybe he was just another guy who's ashamed of me being his girlfriend. Why not? I'm just another invisible girl in his eyes. Not that I mind.

Ruby was perfect. She was beautiful, nice, kind, innocent and popular. She's just perfect. Looking at her for once, you'll see an angel. Like I said, she's popular and perfect. Who doesn't want such a girl?

For me, I was thinking about the summer holiday. Next week. I was hoping, maybe my grandma would send me back to Sydney, and Luke would come along. He must miss his family.

It wasn't a big deal now that I'm already turning 18. Plus, Luke is already 18, maybe my grandma won't mind if he come along and take a look after me. Nobody would mind. Unless I'm a perfect girl who needs some huge bodyguards.

Never did I want this type of life. Maybe my parents are rich but, their marriage wasn't as good as it should. So, I was sent to live with my grandma. Unexpectedly, Luke was sent to his relative here in California.

So, we grew up together, looking after each other asses. Luke was my only guy best friend since I was still a baby. We were meant to keep each other's safety. That's what my grandma told me. But, I never fell for Luke. He wasn't one for me to like.

He has other girls to get as a girlfriend. He's perfect. He's good looking, tall, smart, the type that's having this blue eyes and blonde hair. That's why I never fell for him. He was perfect. I will never get his heart, so, I didn't try.

He might have a huge crush on Alexa. The one and only girl in my school, who never stopped taking care of people's needs. She used to donate tons of money. She's caring for everyone. But, I've never talk to her.

"Hey Lyssa, you want some ice creams?" Luke asked me, with both of his eyebrows up.

I smiled and nodded, before running, following his back like I was some kind of 10 years old girl who only cares about my ice cream. He never mind though. It was something normal between us. 

"I'll have chocolate. Mint. Chocolate Mint. Is it? Do you call it chocolate mint? Or Mint Chocolate?" I asked Luke. He laughed and look at me.

"You don't know?" he asked seriously.

"I don't." I whispered to him.

"Cool. Cause I'm not sure either." He said, making us laugh together.

"You're such a jerk." I said as I took the ice cream that the sales girl handed.

"I know. That's just one of my bonus attractive nature. I can't help it." he laughed.

"Oh Luke, you are so attractive. Date me!!" I faked a cry.

"I'm so sorry. Not that I don't want to date you, you're beautiful and perfect but, that'll make tons of girls jealous. I'm extremely sorry." he bowed to me, as if he was really sorry.

"How dare you rejected me? Now I know why I failed in thousands of love relationships. I never am good enough for anyone. Even for a dope like you." My annoying accent said.

I never liked my accent. As half Asian and half Dutch, I never liked the mixed accent of mine. It's annoying and I really hate it. But, people say it's cute and amazing. But to be honest here, I really hate it. It's annoying.

"Oh stop it." Luke slapped my arm.

"Hey Luke," I paused, making sure that he was listening, "Can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"You just did." he laughed, taking that as a joke, but finally kept a straight face when I didn't laugh along. "Okay, so, what is it?" he asked.

"Am I really not good enough?" I asked him, taking a lick from my ice cream. He just pulled my neck in his arms and let me walk like a penguin.

"You're perfect, okay? Hilton doesn't see it in you. I know, it might hurt but, Melyssa, trust me, every thing that hurts, comes with something that takes the pain away." he finally let me go.

"Yeah, yeah. But do you have to do that just now?" I asked him, being pissed.

"Just had to." he laughed.

Life just never let me fit in. Since I wasn't see by anyone. I'm just another ordinary girl, who seemed to be, invisible in others eyes.

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