49 | Boyfriend?

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OMG! We're in Chapter 49! This book is about to end and I'm kinda sad about it. 🥺

Chapter Forty Nine: Boyfriend?

"Where are we going?" Chris asks for the umpteenth time from the passenger's seat; and it hasn't even been five minutes since they left.

"I told you. You'll find out when we get there. Stop asking already."

"Ugh.... This is annoying," Chris grumbles.

"You acting like a child is annoying," Steph retorts. They've only been driving for a few minutes and Chris seems to be running out of patience. Though Chris is acting like he doesn't like the situation one bit, he's very happy. Getting to see Hazel alone has made his day but getting to spend time with her on his birthday is on a whole new level. He doesn't think he has ever been this happy on his birthday. Albeit she doesn't seem to know it's his birthday, he doesn't mind. He can't expect her to remember it since it's been a while he told her. She probably even forgot it right after they spoke about it. So it's all good.

"Can you give me a hint?"


Chris sighs. " Can I at least turn on the radio?"

"I never said you couldn't," Steph replies, the ghost of a smile on her lips.

Chris reaches over and turns the radio on and music fills the car. Steph remembers that they're driving close to the café that they seem to be recently frequenting and a thought comes to her mind.

"Have you had breakfast?" Steph glances at him.

Chris grins. "Yes and it was delicious."

"Oh, okay." She mumbles, disappointed. She had hoped they'd get breakfast together but he's already had his.

Chris stares at her. "You haven't had breakfast yet, have you?"

"I haven't," Steph confesses.

"Then let's get you breakfast at our spot."

"Our spot? We have a spot?"

"Of course we do. How can you not know this? We went there yesterday." Chris mutters in disbelief.

"Oh, you mean the café ahead."

"Yes. Stop there. You're getting breakfast."

"There's no need for that. I'm not that hungry," Steph says.

"If you don't get breakfast, I'm not going to wherever you're taking me. I can't believe you didn't have breakfast before leaving home," Chris says in a tone you'd use to scold a child.

"What are you gonna do if I don't stop? Jump out of the car?" Steph scoffs.

"Just watch and you'll see what I'll do."

"Fine," Steph gives in. It's not like she needed much persuasion. She's kinda hungry. She navigates towards the café and parks in an empty spot. Chris is the first one out of the car. He leads the way and like the gentleman he is, he holds the door open for her.

"Thank you," she smiles.

They find an empty table near a window and settle down. A waitress comes to take their order and Stephanie's good mode vanishes when she sees that it's 'Ashley'. She had actually hoped she was fired when they didn't see her yesterday.

"OMG! It's you. It's such a delight to see you here again," Ashley chirps to Christopher. She always acts like Steph is invisible and it annoys her a lot.

Chris smiles politely. "Yeah, we can't stay away, I guess."

Why does he have to be so jovial? Steph wonders as she zones out. She can see Chris' lips moving but she's too into her thoughts to hear what he's saying.

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