07 | Poison Ivy

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Chapter Seven: Poison Ivy

On the way to class, Stephanie's phone beeps and she brings it out of the pocket of her jeans to check it. Just then, she bumps into someone but luckily for her, her phone doesn't leave her grip. She looks up to see the person she bumped into, only to find a very furious-looking Ivy glaring at her.

"You bitch! Are you blind or something?" Ivy yells.

Poison Ivy.

"I'm so...."

"Shut that trap you call a mouth," Ivy yells again.

Stephanie shuts up and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Who are you anyway?" Ivy asks snootily.

"I'm pretty sure she's a loser," Aspen, her best friend, more like her minion, snickers beside her.

"Are you a transfer student or something? I've never seen your pathetic face before, not that I'll want to," Ivy bellows.

'Yeah, yeah.

I'm glad you've never seen me before but it's so unfortunate I see you often. Who wants to be scrutinized by your bitchy eyes?'

Stephanie says in a head.

She continues to look down. She doesn't want Ivy to mark her face for oppression.

"Answer me you bitch," Ivy yells.

"Oh wow. She's blind and mute at the same time," Aspen says.

"What's going on here?" A different voice asks that makes Stephanie look up finally.

Ivy immediately wipes every sign of anger or bitchiness on her face.

"Hey babe," she beams at Luke who asked the question.

Luke ignores her.

"What's going on here?" He asks again.

"Nothing darling. We just bumped into each other and I was trying to apologize to her," Ivy lies smoothly.

Stephanie doesn't react 'cause she knows Ivy hides her real personality from Luke.

Luke doesn't look convinced but decides not to argue.

He's pretty sure that he just heard Ivy yelling. Who would be trying to apologize to someone and be yelling?

"I'm sorry about that," Luke tells Stephanie who has her head back to facing the ground.

She nods and scurries away not without noticing the glare from Ivy.


Her real name should be Poison Ivy or Ivy Bitch or something. She's the pathetic one, Stephanie muses.

And Luke is oblivious.

She walks into her first class, luckily for her, she isn't late after that drama.

A few moments later, Luke walks in.

He sits at the front and then the teacher enters a few minutes later.

After class ends, Stephanie stares at her note for a while and when she believes everyone is out, she looks up only to meet Luke standing right in front of her.

"Hi," he smiles.

What is going on? Stephanie asks herself.

Could Brooke have been right about her new look or rather haircut?

About it attracting guys?

About it getting her attention?

If not, why would Luke be saying hi to her?

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