42 | I Like You

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Dedicated to sageisawesome4.

Chapter Forty Two: I Like You

Two weeks later, Chris hasn't told Stephanie how he feels.


He hasn't told her yet.
Jason and Max have been hounding and hounding him, persuading him, coaxing him and cajoling him to tell her.

But he hasn't.
Jason even threatened to tell her himself if he doesn't man up.

"Man up, man up. Little boy won't you man up, " Jason sang to him in mock tone.

But he still hasn't told her. Every time he comes close to doing so, thinking it's the right moment, something happens and he'll change his mind. He'd chicken out like the chicken he is. The two weeks though have been lovely. He got to drive her to school once and drove her home all the time she came over to babysit Emily.

Seeing as he enjoys spending time with her, it has been okay but at the same time dreadful. Sometimes, he'd feel so overwhelmed that he'd just want to grab her and kiss the life out of her or just hug her and inhale her lovely scent that is imbibed in his head.

But no, he doesn't or hasn't grown the balls to do so. If he kisses her out of the blue, she'll probably slap him or even worse -- kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

Even the thought alone makes him mentally wince.

Today's Monday and he doesn't have any class with her. He sees her before their first class and the next time he sees her is during lunch.

Chris and his friends sit at their usual table and as per usual, he occasionally glances at where Steph's seated with her clique.

She has been sitting with Luke and Cole for the past three weeks. Luke and his friend migrated from their usual table after Luke and Ivy's break up. Chris honestly isn't happy about that. He wishes he's the one sitting with Steph instead. He understands that Cole is there because of his girlfriend and he knows Luke tags along. Cole shouldn't even be sitting there. He was sitting with Luke before the break up so now that that's over, he suddenly remembers he has a girlfriend?

The fact that Stephanie seems to enjoy Luke's company unsettles him. Sometimes he feels like walking over and yelling at Luke to go get another bitch like Ivy to date so that he'll leave Steph alone.

He doesn't blame her for enjoying Luke's company though. He's a nice guy and not a player like him.
But Chris can swear that he isn't like that anymore. He hasn't kissed a girl for over a month and the last time he hooked up with one is way longer than that. He guesses he unconsciously stopped his Playboy ways because he just wants to be a better person for Steph and change the way she thinks about him.

He wants her to think of him and not think about the word player when she does.

If she was able to impact him like that as a friend, imagine what will happen if she becomes his girlfriend.

That's what he wants her to be -- his girlfriend. He'll give anything to be able to call her that. Anything to be able to hug her when he wants, kiss her whenever he likes and just cuddle with her. He doesn't even think about doing the did with her. If she's not ready, he'll wait for as long as she wants.

Dude, you sound like you're in love, his subconscious mocks him.

No, he's not in love. He just really really likes her. He's not going to jump headfirst into it and think he's in love with her.

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