14 | A Date?

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Chapter Fourteen: A Date?

Chris wasn't happy when he couldn't find Hazel on Saturday. He even had to walk around the park hoping to see her but he didn't.

Did she run away?

Could she have left to avoid further conversation with him?

A girl?

Not wanting to have a conversation with him?

That's a first.

Now it's Monday and he hopes he sees her. He's walking through the hallways with Jason who is telling him about Piper.

"She's pretty, you know," Jason says.

"I know," he replies.

"Stephanie!" He hears someone yell.

What the fuck?

He and Jason stop their conversation and turn in the direction of the voice like everybody in the hallway is doing.

Chris sights a brunette not far away with her back to them. It came from her.

Why yell when the person is right in front of you?

The name registers and he recognizes the person who yelled.

He doesn't realize when his legs start to move towards them. As he suspected, Hazel is standing in front of her. They seem to be arguing and their hands are joined.

"Hey girls," he greets them as he reaches them.

Hazel stills and Brooke lets go of her hands that she was holding on to.

"Hi," Brooke grins as she turns to face him.

"Is there a problem?" Chris asks looking at Hazel who has a frown on her face.

"No. Not at all," Brooke smiles.

"I'm Brooke. I don't think I've introduced myself before," she offers her hand.

He takes it.


"Who doesn't know you?" She asks rhetorically, laughing lightly.

He sighs internally.

Of course everyone him - as a player.

Only heaven knows what Hazel thinks of him and his reputation.

Wait, why does he care?

She hasn't uttered a word since he came.

"And this is Stephanie," Brooke tells him even though she knows they've met.

"We've met before," he answers bemusedly.

Hazel didn't tell Brooke about meeting him?

"Hi," he says to Hazel.

"Hey... uhm... I have to get to class," she says and hurriedly walks off before either of them can utter something in response.

Well, that was just awkward.

"Is she okay?" Chris asks in concern.

"Yeah. I just pissed her off. Where's Jason?"

Chris just notices that Jason isn't beside him.

"He must have gone to class. See you around Brooke."

He begins his walk to his first class and sights Hazel looking through a locker.

So that's her locker?

He thinks about approaching her but he doesn't think that would be a good idea so he continues his walk to class.

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