04 | Spin the Bottle

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Chapter Four: Spin the Bottle

"Hey there sexy," a raspy voice draws her back to earth. She turns to see a very drunken guy ogling her with his eyes.

"I can make tonight the best night of your life. Let's go upstairs," he slurs.

Stephanie cringes and jumps off her stool. She looks behind him expecting to at least see Brooke or something.

Where are you B? She asks within.

"What do you say sexy?" The guy asks closing the distance between them. Stephanie backs away from him.

Oh God!

Oh God!

Why did she have to come to this party?

Oh yeah, her best friend threatened her.

She becomes frightened. The drunken guy moves even closer before he backs away. She sighs in relief and then notices that he was pulled by someone.

"I'm sorry about him," the girl that pulled him apologizes.

Stephanie nods slightly not quite at ease.

The girl faces the drunk guy that she's trying to hold back.

"Get your shit together," she yells at him before dragging him along as she walks away.

I need to find Brooke, Stephanie decides.

She has had enough time with Cole.

Stephanie heads out of the kitchen without her drink in hand.

In the living room, she scans the crowd but doesn't see Brooke.

She heads towards the stairs after groaning, keen on finding Brooke.

She finds even more people making out in the corners of the hallway. She tries the first room and immediately closes it after seeing a girl and a guy literally getting "Down and Dirty."

She makes her way to the next room and sees the door open ajar.

About fifteen people were in the room, they're seated in a circle on the floor. Some lurking around.

She sights Brooke seated beside Cole.

She enters and is happy to see that no one notices her.

She approaches Brooke and taps her shoulder.

Brooke looks up from her position on the floor, grins, and pulls Stephanie down to sit beside her.

"Yay! You're here. We're just starting," Brooke says.

"Starting what?" Stephanie asks.

"SPIN THE BOTTLE," Brooke replies grinning.

Stephanie's eyes widen and she tries to get to her feet.

"No way," she panics.

"You're not going anywhere Steph," Brooke holds her down.

Someone drops a bottle in the middle and sits down and Stephanie keeps trying to get out of Brooke's hold.

When she realizes Brooke isn't letting her go anywhere anytime soon, she stops struggling.

She looks at the faces of people sitting on the floor around her. They're all faces from school and around.

Jason and Christopher are also seated.

And Christopher's girl is nowhere in sight.

Not surprising!!!

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