52 | Promise

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Chapter Fifty Two: Promise.

As each minute passes by, it seems as if one more person is joining the party.
It is easy for Stephanie to find Chris. She finds him in the living room, surrounded by his teammates and friends. She giggles to herself, "That's my boyfriend."

As she watches proudly, three girls join the group and Steph's smile turns into a frown. She watches the scene for about a minute and all she could see was the girls obviously flirting with the guys - Chris especially.

Steph grits her teeth and begin to stomp her way over to them. She imagines herself as a giant with steam coming out of her ears on the way to crush those girls. Once there, she clears her throat loudly from behind the girls. They all divert their attention to her.

"Hazel." Chris wiggles his eyebrows at her.

That seems to annoy her even more. She pushes the girls aside with her hips, surprising Chris.

She moves closer to him and touches his cheek. "Are you okay, babe?"

"Of course I am. I should be asking you that." He notices her flushed cheeks and the slight slur in her speech. "Hazel? Did you drink?"

She doesn't answer him. His teammates and the girls continue to stare in confusion.

Steph interlocks her fingers with Chris's own as she glares daggers at the girls.

"This guy that you girls are shamelessly trying to flirt with is my 'boyfriend.' l'd really appreciate if you'd look for another guy to flirt with 'cause the guy is taken."

They all stare in disbelief. It's obvious they don't believe her.

"I'm his girlfriend, believe it or not. He's off the market so stop eyeing him with your lustful eyes." She raises their interlocked fingers to prove a point.

Chris is shocked. He could never have imagined her doing something like this.

"She looks drunk. She's talking gibberish." One of the girls whispers loud enough for them to hear.

They look at Chris expectantly, waiting for him to confirm or deny the claim.

"She is indeed my girlfriend. In fact, she has me wrapped around her little finger." Chris says, smiling. "Her name is Stephanie."

"See, I told you."

They all just stare, too stunned to speak. Brooke who has been watching the scene in amusement decides to intervene.

"Okay, people. They're really dating. Yes, it's a big deal. Now, move along."

Brooke has to give them death glares before they decided to mind their business.

"Hey Brooke."

"I see you've met this version of Steph."

"Why is she like this?"

"She's a lightweight. She only took a can of beer and she's like this. Anything with alcohol is definitely not her thing."

"Yeah, she's kinda feisty though. I like it." Chris smiles.

Steph suddenly hits him on his shoulder.

She does it again and again.
"Hey. What did I do?"

"You were enjoying it, weren't you?"

"Enjoying what?"

"Being the center of attention. Actually, in this case, the center of flirtation."

Steph folds her arms in front of her and looks away, pouting.

"Of course not, Hazel. I was thinking of you the whole time."

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