26 | Acting Strange

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Chapter Twenty Six: Acting Strange

It's Thursday and school's just starting. Brooke and Stephanie gets into the school and head for Brooke's locker. Steph waits for her as Brooke gets her notes for class.

"There's a party this weekend," Brooke announces.

"Wow! That's cool but guess what?" Steph says dryly. "I don't care."

"Sure you don't but you're going. WE are going," Brooke declares.

"Goodluck with that," Steph huffs.

"What if I get Luke to make you come, huh?" Brooke wiggles her eyebrows suggestively with a smirk.

"Not gonna happen," Steph says with a gloomy sigh.
She has been trying to avoid Luke but it isn't exactly working. He makes conversation whenever he sees her and that makes it difficult. On the good days that she's succeeding in avoiding him, she'll get this ache in her that she'll want to see him- even if it's just his face. If she hears his voice, butterflies flutter in her stomach. All this trying to avoid him seems to make her want to spend more time with him. And it's FRUSTRATING.

"Hey girls," Chris joins them with a grin on his face.

"Hi," they answer in unison.

"Let's get to class, Hazel."

"We'll need to stop at my locker first," Steph replies him.


They've been talking since the week started and you could say they're a little closer. She isn't being difficult to him and he's being himself. Steph sees him as an acquaintance now- not a friend yet. She hasn't forgotten that he's the infamous player. Brooke is really happy that they're getting close and she doesn't fail to mention it to her. Steph doesn't know why she's happy about it though.

Steph sights Luke and Cole approaching them. She stares at his gorgeous face as he laughs at what Cole's telling him before she starts to panic. Before she can think of how to escape, they are already here.

Cole hugs Brooke and Luke greets Steph. After exchanging pleasantries, the boys notice Chris who is standing with a blank look on his face, showing no emotion.

Chris acknowledges them with a subtle nod and they return it.
Some sort of message passed across.

There is awkward silence before Steph decides to break it.

"Christopher and I need to get to class," Steph says. "See you all later."
She turns around and walks away with Chris beside her.

Luke asks Brooke. "Is something wrong? She has been acting strange lately."

Brooke chuckles in amusement. "Oh trust me, nothing is wrong. She's like this sometimes. Just ignore it."

Luke shrugs.

Cole clears his throat and takes Brooke's hands in his. "So would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?"


"Yeah, if you want to," Cole answers.

"Took you long enough," Brooke huffs with a smile and hits his chest playfully.

"Oh really?" Cole smirks and winks at her.

Brooke gives out a boisterous laugh before Luke decides to clear his throat, therefore ruining the moment.
They turn to face him.

"Let's get to class, you love sick morons," Luke teases softly and turns to walk away without waiting for them.
Cole and Brooke share a laugh before following his trail.

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