50 | Yes

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Chapter Fifty: Yes

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" Steph asks and Chris answers by groaning, which makes her to burst into laughter.

"I... I can't believe you fell," Steph begins in between laughter. "A professional like you landed on his butt. Isn't that just great?"

Chris sighs. "The tables have turned and you're to be blamed for this."

"How am I to be blamed? It's not like I pushed you," Steph retorts.

"You shocked me with your question. Or did I hear wrong?" Chris asks as he stands up.

"What did you hear?"

"It sounds crazy but I think you asked me to be your Boyfriend," Chris says sceptically.

The look she gives him makes him to begin to believe he was hallucinating; he had somehow conjured up the image of her saying those words to him.

Damn, I've just made things awkward, he thinks.

So he forces himself to laugh dryly. "That was obviously not what you said."

"It's exactly what I said," Steph deadpans. Honestly, how Chris is reacting to her question is more surprising to her than her asking him out.


"Remembering how cocky and confident you are about your charm and the way girls can't resist it; your reaction right now is surprising me." Steph voices out.

"You're different, Hazel. You're obviously not other girls."

Steph slightly shakes her head and smiles. "So what's your answer? Christopher Hayes, will you be my boyfriend?"

Before Chris who's staring at Steph in disbelief can answer, they're interrupted.

"Stephanie?" A voice calls behind her.
She turns around to see the owner of the familiar voice and a grin appears on her face.

"Adaeze!" Steph exclaims in excitement as she hugs her.

Adaeze smiles. "I knew it was you."

"It's so nice to see you again. What are you doing here? Wait, don't answer that dumb question." Steph says.

This makes Adaeze to laugh and Steph joins her.

"You look different," Adaeze comments after her bout of laughter.

"Good different or bad different?"

"Good different," Adaeze replies.

"I can say the same about you," Steph comments. The first time they met, Adaeze's hair was in it's natural kinkiness but now it's in braids and somehow, her ebony skin seems to be glowing.

Someone clears their throat when Adaeze is about to say something. The source of the sound turns out to be the guy Adaeze is here with; that Steph hadn't even noticed before.
He's wearing gold rimmed glasses and has dirty blonde hair.

"Oh, this is Nathan. Nathan meet Stephanie," Adaeze introduces.

"Nice to meet you, Stephanie." Nathan smiles politely.

Steph replies with a smile of her own. "You too, Nathan. And you can call me Steph."

Adaeze leans forward, closer to Steph -- as if she wants to share a secret -- and whispers, "Won't you introduce me to the handsome guy behind you?"

Steph turns to look at Chris who has been awkwardly standing there. She had almost forgotten that he's there.

"Well, Chris, this is Adaeze. Ada, this is Chris, my..." Steph doesn't know what to call him. Are they still friends? Yes, she just asked him to be her boyfriend but he hasn't answered yet.

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