22 | Shrek

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Chapter Twenty Two: Shrek

"You won't believe this," Stephanie says to Brooke as they're standing in front of her locker.

"What?" Brooke replies, shutting her locker to face her.

"I'm babysitting Christopher's sister," Steph says.

"Quit joking around Steph," Brooke scolds.

"I'm serious, B. I went to babysit yesterday and found out it was Chris' little sister, Emily." Steph explains in a casual tone.

"Oh my Gosh!" Brooke squeals. "This is a sign Steph. A fucking Sign," she grins.

"Ah geez!" Steph exclaims with a face palm. "What sign?"

"This is a sign that the universe wants you and Chris to be together," Brooke babbles.

Steph groans unattractively and glares at Brooke.

"Don't you see it? You're babysitting his sister. That means seeing each other more often and talking. Then boom - the feelings step in and then you're a couple. Holy Molly! This is great news," Brooke gushes to Steph's irritation.

"You're insane," Steph tells her dryly.

"You are too if you aren't seeing what I'm seeing. You guys would be the cutest couple ever," Brooke grins widely like a Cheshire cat.

"Ship names, ship names for the ship about to sail," Brooke says in a sing-song tone and joins her hands.

"There won't be any ship names and no, no ship is about to sail," Steph shudders.

Just then, Luke and Cole joins them.
"Hey girls," Luke says.

Cole who is staring at Brooke with the huge grin she has on her face says, "Hey Brooke," totally forgetting that Steph is present.

"Hey Cole," Brooke replies him.

Cole and Brooke continue to stare at each other, smiling.

Luke and Stephanie exchange amused looks.

"You guys should date already," Steph groans in exasperation, throwing her hands in the air dramatically. The items in her hands fall to the ground and Luke chuckles. When she realises what has happened, she becomes mortified.
Cole and Brooke stare at Steph as she bends to pick her books with Luke helping her.


"Since Cole looks like he's in a daze, I'll do the talking," Luke declares.


"Are you guys still in for tomorrow's plans?" Luke asks.

"Yeah," Brooke grins. "Wouldn't miss it."

Steph rolls her eyes at Brooke's answer.


"Yeah," she answers Luke.

"Cool," he pulls out his phone, unlocks it and hands it over to her. "Can I get your number?"

Steph doesn't hide the surprise on her face and Luke notices. He quickly adds, "So I can text you when and where we'll meet tomorrow."

Steph nods and slowly types her digits on his phone before saving it with her name.

She hands his phone back to him and turns to see Brooke doing the same with Cole.

Wait, they haven't exchanged numbers before?

"Where should we go? The movies? Park? Mall?" Brooke asks.

"Let's go to an amusement park."

"Let's go see a movie. Aladdin maybe."

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