08 | Emily

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Chapter Eight: Emily

By the end of the day, Christopher became frustrated. He hasn't found Hazel. He is yet to find Hazel. He is really frustrated but he doesn't know why. He didn't even see her nor her friend Brooke at the cafeteria during lunch. Everyone eats there, don't they? He couldn't even concentrate on the conversation going on at his table. He didn't see her in any of his classes either but that doesn't surprise him because he guessed that they don't share any classes.

Little did he know.

When the school closed, he looked around for a bit in the hallways, and then a brilliant idea struck him. He went to the parking lot in hope of finding Hazel. Unfortunately for him, the girls he is looking for already left the lot before he got there.

As Brooke was driving her and Stephanie out of the school's parking lot, Chris was just approaching it. They drove past him but they didn't notice. Neither did he. He had his eyes trained on somewhere else. After staying a while in the lot, he entered his car and drove out of school.

Now, he is on his way to pick up his little sister who is in 4th grade from school. He loves her. He approaches her with his car on a bench outside the school. She grins when she sees him and stands up. He stops the car and hops out.

"Chris," his sister yells and jumps into his arms.

"Hello, Emily. Missed me?" He asks as he hugs her back after lifting her in his arms.

"Yeah. I missed you," Emily replies grinning with her tiny sweet voice.

"Chris missed you too. Now let's get you home," he says. He puts her in the passenger's seat and buckles her seatbelt. He shuts the door and gets in the driver's seat. Then he starts the car after buckling his seatbelt.

"So how was school today, Em?" He asks her giving her a quick glance as he drives them home.

"It was nice," Emily shrugs.

"Can you take me to the park on Saturday?" She asks.

"Sure. Why?"

"I have a play date with my best friend," she answers.


"Yes," she smiles.

"Okay. I'll take you to the park on Saturday then."

"Thanks, Chris."

"You're welcome, Em." He smiles and reaches over with his free hand to ruffle her blonde hair.

She swats his hand away and he laughs.

They finally reach their house and Chris parks the car in the driveway. He gets out and walks over to the passenger's side. He carries Emily out and helps her with her lunch box.

They enter the house and Chris drops her down from his arms."Mum!" He yells.

"Yes honey," his mum replies from the kitchen.

"We're back," Chris says as if it isn't obvious.

Emily drops her backpack and runs into the kitchen.

Chris follows her slowly and finds her in their mum's arms when he enters the kitchen.He smiles at the sight in front of him. He loves to see his mum happy because she has been through some tough times. His mum reaches out to hug Chris with her free hand. She pulls him towards her and kisses him on the cheek.

"Welcome Honey," she says.

"Thanks, Mum," Chris replies as they separate.

"How was school, pumpkin?" She asks Emily.

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