chapter 2 || cake & curly hair

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One of the first things Luke noticed was that Ashton was a gentleman.
He opened the all the doors and always apologized if he cursed in front of Luke.
It was times like this where Luke actually wished he could be a girl.
They found a nice quiet caffe on a corner. Ashton ordered a cheese toasty and Luke got a chocolate chip muffin.
Ashton told Luke about his life and his family. He talked about his two younger siblings and how he wanted to do something around music in his career.
"Being in a band would be amazing, but if that doesn't work out I'll probably become a music teacher or something..."
Luke smiled and nodded and are his muffin. He was glad Ashton talked a lot because he was quite a quiet person.
Every now and then he would ask Ashton something or Ashton would ask him something but usually he could find a way to steer it back to Ashton.
In cases like this Luke was glad he had made a cover story.
He was a 17 year old. He didn't go to school here because he was just here for the weekend. He enjoyed cooking (though he couldn't actually cook for shit) and a long walk on the beach wouldn't go astray. His natural hair colour wasn't blonde and he hoped to open his own restaurant in the future.
Ashton giggled, "I couldn't imagine you and your designer nails knee deep in flour and oil."
"You'll be surprised how much of a workout these fingers get," Luke replied suddenly realizing how dirty that could sound. Seeing the smirk on Ashton's face, Luke added, "in the kitchen." His face burning up.
"uh huh, yes," Ashton's smirk widened to a full blown grin. His pearly whites on full display.
"Did I mention I play the drums? Yes I bang the drums so hard they're worn out. Sometimes they never recover," Ashton's eyes were on fire.
Luke playing his character flirted back.
"Oh I don't think I told you this but I play guitar. I'm actually very fast," he purred the last words.
Ashton snapped out of love mode in a flash, "you play guitar?!" He asked.

Luke had forgotten Lily didn't have a musical bone in her body.
"Oh-uh-um a little bit. Not really...I'm not very good..." he stuttered.

"I'm sure that's not true. You should come around sometime. The other boys would love a chick in the band."

"I should go," Luke said, suddenly jumping out of his chair. His music was a private subject, he shouldn't of said anything.
"No don't go I really like you, Lily," Ashton said standing up too,"You don't have to play in front of us. It was just an idea, a stupid idea. How about we go for a walk?"
Luke's brain was telling him "Ashton is straight, get out before it's too late", but his heart was telling him to grab onto Ashton and never let go.
In the end his heart won out.
Luke nodded, "I guess a walk never hurt..."

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