chapter 9 || "you're the hottest guy i've ever seen!"

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Luke stood by the mirror in his apartment. He hated meeting new people, it was a billion times worse when they were Ashton's friends. Or his band mates.

He almost considered not "dressing up". Ashton would see him sooner or later. But in the end he powdered on his makeup and fitted his wig.

He wore a plain, but cute outfit. It consisted of a baby blue skirt with matching heals, and a white knitted sweater. He wore the same wig he always wore with Ashton, it made him feel less fake. He took double the amount of time on his makeup. Everything had to be perfect, not one eyelash out of place.

The skin on the sides of his fingers were bitten raw from the nerves. What if Ashton's friends didn't like him, what if they convinced Ashton that I was disgusting?

He heard a knock at the door and quickly scanned himself again. Other than uncover-able bags under his eyes, (the nightmares were getting bad),he looked ok. He combed his fingers through his side fringe and opened the door.

"You look amazing," Ashton said full grin. He stepped aside and offered his hand, "Shall we?"
Luke locked the door and took Ashton's hand, "We shall."


Luke and Ashton walked into the garage side by side. Ashton knocked on the aluminum door sending loud clashes into the nervous air. Luke jumped a little at the nose but Ashton took Luke's hand and squeezed it.

The garage door rolled up and a ruffled red-haired boy greeted them.
"You're the hottest guy I have ever seen," he said mouth open.
Ashton gave him a look and Michael quickly shut his mouth.
"I-I mean... uh hi?" the boys skin flushed nearly as bright as his hair, "I'm uh-Michael," he stuttered.
Ashton pulled Luke into the dark musty garage. A muscly, tanned boy sat in the corner strumming his base. Deep rumbles released each time his pick grazed the strings. The noise ran through Luke's body making him feel alive.

"That's Calum," Ashton said gesturing to the boy. Upon hearing his name, Calum's head shot up. When he spotted Luke his eyes went big. Luke could feel Ashton behind him warning the boy.

Luke awkwardly stood in the middle of them, not quite sure what to say.
"Hello," Calum said at last, "I'm the bassist of the band."
Luke smiled but it came out as a more of 'in pain' look. Ashton did his best to try and fix the awkwardness.
"How about we play a song for you Luke," he said quickly. He went over the drums and pointed to a seat for Luke to sit.
Ashton started hitting the drums and suddenly Luke was hooked. Michael and Calum came in and beauty flooded Luke's ears.
"Within a minute I was all packed up
I've got a ticket to another world
I don't wanna go
I don't wanna go
The silent words are hard to speak
When your thoughts are all I see
"Don't ever leave," she said to me" Calum's voice filled the room.
When the song finished the three boys took a bow. Luke was shocked. He knew they were good, he had heard them on the TV, but hearing them in real life, he was speechless.
The boys shuffled awkwardly at Luke's silence.
"How was it," Ashton asked sheepishly.
Luke's blue eyes glowed and a smile grew on his face, "Wow," he breathed.
The other three broke into smiles and let out sighs of relief.
"You had us scared there mate," Calum said patting Luke's back. Then he leaned in and whispered," Are you really a guy."
Luke turned a little pink and backed away," Um yeah..."
"You're making me feel gay," he laughed.
Ashton swooped in and put his arm around Luke.
"You ok?"
Luke nodded. Calum and Michael made him a little nervous, but pretty much everyone made Luke nervous. The full truth was that he felt more alive here than almost anywhere else.

Suddenly light flooded into the dim room and a lady appeared in the doorway. She looked like an older version of Calum.
"Oh, who is this?" she said smiling at Luke.
Ashton was about to answer when Luke jumped in.
"I'm Lily, Ashton's girlfriend."

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