[01.] voices

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(she/her) pronouns are used in the third person until chapter 13, where i switch to 2nd person and (they/them) pronouns. i hope u like it :)


A cool autumn day swept multicolored leaves through the air, tickled the noses of the students lounging in the campus' courtyard, and brushed past (Name)'s cheeks. Summer had faded, and the classrooms and dorms started to refill, as well as the student's workload. The 'honeymoon period' of being a new college freshman had just about worn off as soon as she saw the number of new assignments piling up on her desk. Currently, (Name) was taking the scenic way home, letting herself relax in the perfect fall atmosphere before hitting the books. 

She put her hand on her forehead, shielding her eyes from the bright light of the afternoon sun as she gazed through the trees. Her grip on her backpack suddenly tightened as she realized the light was growing brighter and brighter. (Name) cried out and turned away, as the light was nearly blinding. Although that provided no relief as white overtook her vision and everything suddenly disappeared.




We need your help...

Quickly, my dear...

Find and unite the heroes...

Push him away and seal the darkness...

We believe in you, young one...

Free us, Soleil...

The cacophony of voices ringing in (Name)'s head finally faded, only to be replaced by another, a clearer voice, right next to her ear.

"Hello? Ma'am? Miss? Can you hear me? Are you alright?"

(Name) cracked her eyes open, blinking a few times as to adjust to the light. She was lying down, limbs splayed out as if she had just fallen, while some stranger shook her shoulder lightly. She sat up and rubbed her eyes as the person let go of her shoulder gently.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm alright I think," (Name) mumbled out, stretching her arms above her head as she looked around. She was sitting next to a pond with clear, glassy water. Frogs hopped from lilypad to lilypad, croaking softly. A small waterfall trickled down from a cliff above, and a few birds passed overhead. Where the fuck am I? This is definitely not on campus. (Name) thought.

It was raining quite heavily, and (Name) looked down to find her clothes quite soaked. She groaned and wrapped her arms around herself as a slight breeze swept past, chilling her to the bone.

"Miss, if you'd like, I can take you somewhere to get you warmed up. You look pretty cold there. Your clothes aren't exactly... practical," the stranger said, standing up.

"Um, yes, thank... you... " (Name) trailed off, her eyes wide as saucers as she finally turned to the person, if you could call it that. In fact, (Name) didn't know what it was. A strange being that looked like a cross between a human and a shark stared back. It had pointed teeth, fins, and gills like a shark, but it had limbs and walked on two legs like a human. It had multiple rings up its neck, and this one carried a large satchel that hung from one of its shoulders.

"Ma'am? Are you quite sure you're all right? You seem a little shaken." This snapped (Name) out of her stupor.

"Y-Yes! Um, t-thank you, everything is uh, fine!" (Name) replied, giving a nervous grin to the shark-human, not wanting to seem rude.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒' 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | breath of the wildWhere stories live. Discover now