[07.] runes

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(Name) grunted as she hopped off Epona.

"Linnnkkk... my ass hurts so baddddd," She moaned, rubbing her sore bottom. "I don't think I'll be able to sit down for a week. Don't they have like, padded saddles or some shit? They should make that a thing, horses are so fucking uncomfy. I seriously don't get why they would ride these things into battle. 10 minutes on one of these and your ass feels like it's about to fall off,"

Link just sighed and walked towards the door of the lab, (Name) trailing behind, muttering more about horses and asses and old white men. He pushed the door open and walked inside the cluttered lab. Papers littered the floor and the tables, books lay face down or half-open, some stacked precariously and almost all had at least 50 bookmarks. A raised platform jutted from the left. A pedestal, much like the one (Name) had seen by the shrine earlier, sat upon it, glowing blue.

"Linky! You're back!!" a small girl stood on a bench. "Oh? What's this? A pretty girl! And-" Her eyes widened.

"IS THAT A SHEIKAH SLATE?" she exclaimed, and dashed over to (Name), unclipping the slate from her waist and turning it over in her hands.

"IT IS! Symin, come look at this!" An older man, dressed similarly to the girl, walked over to the group.

"Have you ever heard of there being a second slate?"

"Not at all. This is quite interesting," He said, adjusting his glasses.

"Um, hello. I'm (Name)! I was hoping you could help me figure out what to do with the slate, I don't really know how to use it," (Name) said, chuckling dryly.

"I'm Symin, and this is Purah," the man gestured to the child. "This is the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. Now-"

"Where did you find this?!" Purah interrupted. Symin just sighed.

"It was with me when I woke up. It came out of nowhere I guess. I've never seen it before," she said.

"It sounds similar to what happened to Link... although I guess Link woke up in a chamber meant for it, so maybe not," Purah said, furrowing her brows.

"So you can't do anything?" (Name) asked, a worried look finding its way onto her features.

"Nonsense! Let me just run a few tests. I want to see if it works like Linky's," Purah replied, handing the slate back.
"Go up to the Guidance Stone and place the slate in it. They look to be the same technology, so this might work." (Name) nodded and stepped on to the platform.

Walking over to the pedestal, a singular big blue stalactite of some sorts hung from the ceiling over the pedestal. The pedestal itself had a slate-sized divet that (Name) assumed was for the slate. A small clip stuck up from the structure. (Name) placed her slate on the clip and let go.

The slate sank down into the divet, then flipped over to the side with an eye. The centre of the pedestal then turned altogether so the slate was sideways. The once blue lights now glowed yellow.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒' 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | breath of the wildWhere stories live. Discover now