[13.] lies

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slight pov change this chapter - im doing this in second person... lmk what u think idk if ill keep this or switch back to third.


You weren't prepared for the emotional aftermath. After that brief interaction, you felt so heavy and empty, like something was missing. It was a frustrating feeling. You knew her, you knew that woman, but from where?

You thought and rethought your past, straining your memories for anything, anything that could quell this feeling. It gnawed at you like that one word you can't quite remember, or that dream that lingers, slightly, at the back of your mind that you just can't grasp. You might brush it, with the tip of your finger, before it slips away, back into the deep. Except, this, this felt worse. It felt like you were chipping away at a brick wall with a spoon, and everything that should make sense to you suddenly doesn't.

You were frustrated, angry with yourself that you couldn't quite find something you knew had to be in the recesses of your mind, somewhere. Small tears slipped from the corners of your eyes, and you mumbled a small "fuck" whilst wiping them away with your sleeve.

Your mind was a swirling mess of words, feelings, and pain, so you pushed it down and tried your hardest to focus on the rhythmic bump of Sage's trots on the road, and the cold, dry air that nipped at your skin.

Your new paraglider was tucked into your pack, the pretty green fabric hidden from the sun. You hadn't used it yet. It still felt... funny. Odd. You were reminded of her whenever you looked at it, and a sharp pang of loneliness hit you for reasons you didn't understand. So, you kept it tucked away.

Link had told you to call him after you opened the tower, but you hadn't. You knew when you opened your slate, you'd see the quest the woman had given you, and you weren't prepared for that. Also, Link would lose his shit. It was cute how much he cared, but you couldn't talk right now.

You threaded your fingers through Sage's mane, stroking it softly as you took a deep breath. Sage nickered quietly.

"I'll be okay," you murmured. "Let's just get to Rito Village before nightfall."

Leaning back in the saddle, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. It's fine. I'll be okay. Focus on the task at hand. Suddenly, Sage let out a loud whinny and reared his front legs.

"Sage! What-" You were cut off by the loud roar of a moblin, charging at you with its club raised. You swore under your breath. Grabbing Sage's reins, you pulled hard, forcing him into a sharp turn, evading the blundering brute. You spurred Sage on through what seemed to be old village ruins. 

"Don't stop!" You yelled to Sage as you turned around on the saddle, grabbing your bow and drawing an arrow. Closing one eye, you aimed at the moblin's head, before releasing the arrow. It hit its mark dead-on,  but you didn't have time to celebrate. More monsters dotted the ruins, and you knocked a new arrow, aiming at a second moblin. You loosed the arrow, but it missed it entirely. Aiming from a moving steed wasn't the easiest. Making a mental note to maybe add some more practice into your routine, you shot again, this time hitting it in the arm. It groaned in pain and a Lizalfos sprang from beside you, clutching a boomerang. 

You screamed and frantically grabbed another arrow, but this time instead of shooting it, you jabbed it right into the monster's stomach. It let out a strangled squawk and fell to the ground, long tongue lolling out of its mouth. Sage exited the ruins and slowed to a trot, the other monsters out of range and losing interest. You exhaled shakily and Sage stopped. You slid off his back and sat on the ground, the adrenaline that had flooded your veins now gone. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒' 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | breath of the wildWhere stories live. Discover now